Just a thought....What do you think? And if so what will it be?
Do you think the WTBS will change future doctrine to entice new members?
by Quirky1 20 Replies latest jw friends
I think that in order to survive, the WBTS, which it's struggeling to do now, will become like the great religions of christendom, it will end up maintaining it's doctrines but practicing a form of laissez-faire with it's members. That is, let the people do as they choose, much like the Catholic church does now with it's members.
JW's are now where the Catholics were in the 15th century, IMO.
probably interact with "faith based" community things.
I think that's the way everyone is leaning these days. It's a brotherhood thing.
If they drop the shunning practice, they will cease to exist, IMHO.
I think it's possible some things will change and probable others will.
For one thing, the date-based prophecies have already changed. Probably more to keep current members, but the converse is also true. If you're saying a generation born in 1914 is not going to pass away and a generation is 70-80 years and it's 2008, people are going to do their math and shut the door on your face. I just want to see what happens when 2014 comes and goes and they're still talking about 1914.
I could see them relaxing some rules like birthday parties. Their reasoning is a bit flimsy as it is. That's one thing that always gets to people when I tell them I grew up and didn't celebrate birthdays or holidays. They look at you like "oh you poor thing". So it's not particularly enticing to potential recruits.
Who knows? Maybe some holidays, but with restrictions on how to celebrate them. Although off the top of my head, I can't think of a single one that they'd be able to relax on. Maybe Thanksgiving. Which a lot of JWs more or less celebrate the same way anyway. Get the family together and have turkey (my mom always used the excuse that it was on sale).
They're already relaxing on meeting schedules. Shorter Sunday meetings and they cut out the book study night entirely.
With new blood in the Governing Body, anything is possible.
Hi Quirky1! They need to make money. They need donations to keep coming in. They can sell off all the real estate they have, still, they need money to keep existing.
They will do whatever it takes to fill their coffers.
The "Carrot" as always been their number #One way to keep both old and new members as captives. Everlasting Life On A Paradise Earth!
The End is Near!, The Great Tribulation is Near!, Armageddon is Near!
How they formulate "THE CARROT" keeps The Writing Dept, The Legal Dept, and The Governing Body burning the midnight oil.
Btw, they can't change future doctrines that they don't teach yet. But I know what you mean.
How many ways can they "CAN" the same ole', same ole' teachings and doctrines and still call it present truth?
Id don't think they'll loosen the general structure or intent to control their members' lives. I think they will give up the blood policy, and maybe some other things, but they won't become a more liberally-structured religion, in my opinion.
they need to adjust their thinking on Thecoratic Warfare Strategy!
Like any other entity, (social, religious, biological, etc), they will either evolve, or eventually become extinct. They have too many factors working against them at present, (no dates, can't really have dates because people will see that as "whacky", financial issues, a smarter and better informed r&f, numbers too big to be controllable, etc), to last in their current form much longer.
That said, they will probably go into some type of recession, then rebuild and change, as required.
Absolutely ZERO!.......any changes they make are strictly for keeping the flock IN THE PEN......not to attract new members....the hope of never dying or aging and living in bliss,,, neked in paradise has enough appeal to certain people at certain times in their life..................oompa