YES............ it is all just a matter of time.
Do you think the WTBS will change future doctrine to entice new members?
by Quirky1 20 Replies latest jw friends
I think that Oompa has a point. They depend on the current flock with their children coming along, plus whatever converts they can get. It would be very delicate for them to open up to greater volume by means of drastic changes in doctrine. For example, they have fiddled with the blood doctrine but there are just too many rank and file who have personal connections to blood transfusion cases. It would be worse than the flip flop on the generation of 1914. I think there would be backlash.
they get newbies by love-bombing - not by doctrine.
the changes are made to "pen-in" (oompa) the R&F they have and to keep them on the "edge" waiting for the NS
More important to me is policy. Doctrine is used only to support and justify policy. I'm absolutely sure the huge Watch Tower Publishing Corporation and it's over 100 sub-corporations, will change personnel and adjust policy to their benefit. Then they will adjust the required religious beliefs to support the pre-selected policy.
The Watch Tower Corporation is reactive, not proactive. Theirs is a business model that is expert at using and manipulating the system they condemn. Retaining and recruiting new members is secondary to attracting and accumulating property and cash. The Witness people are a liability to the Watch Tower Society and they're seen by the Society as a necessary evil, like gutters on a house. They're necessary, but they're high maintenance.
The Watch Tower Corporation owners actually don't like Jehovah's Witnesses.
But . . . the Society has finally seen the Witness people as their customer base. Now the job is to keep the Witness people ignorant and superstitious, without letting them get so broke that they can't donate cash at media product distribution centers and fundraisers.
The Watch Tower Corporation's business model is an unqualified financial success. Really BIG success. I suspect there will be a move to take it private at some point. That might be done like the large hospitals have done it. They break the company, sell the buildings to raise cash and lease the buildings back. Guess who ends up owning the buildings. -
What could be more enticing than living forever on a paradise earth in health and happiness surrounded by friends and family?
They're necessary, but they're high maintenance.
Gary B remarks ring true. It seemed to me the recent tract campaign was nothing more than busy work for the R&F with a minimum of expense to the corp. Just a cheap little handbill with no real substance of message. In my case, I was home when the JW called. There was no attempt to make a presentation, just "Here, I wanted to leave you this important message, goodbye". Ideally, it seems, would be a 'not at home' so it could be qickly stuffed into a crack and they could get on to the next door.
All they are going to change is the presentation. They are masters at initiating the use of fraud to get people in--and they have stepped it up with the Showcase Washtowels that make the religion more mainstream in appearance. So you read the Showcase washtowels, and it appears enticing. You start studying the Washtowel Teach book, and before long you are going to boasting sessions. They will have you making the basic changes to fit in.
Once you are baptized, however, you are now required to obey what is in the Kool-Aid Washtowel and the Kingdumb Miseries. More time spent out in field circus. Pio-sneering. Going to Beth Hell. Getting rid of every last album and listening solely to Kingdumb Maladies. All those "stumbling block" offenses. Believing that only the very best will actually survive Armageddon, and they had better do more than they can to spread the cancer.
No, they will not actually change the actual doctrine. They will only lie about it more.
The WTS success is more dependent on quanity rather then quality.
The WTS would find more success in retaining if it expanded it's lifestyle from just meetings and FS. It would be a smart business move to consider a similar model as the LDS.
In my area the percentage of homeschool children by Mormons and JWs is the same, except that the LDS gets more $$$$ by encouraging it's brethern to buy school programs from ofther Mormons who taylor things to the LDS perspective and donate a percentage of each sale to the church, or using BYU for middle & high school courses and of course pursuing college at BYU.
Oompa & GaryB I really like the analogies provided. It is very possible that they could own and rent their own buildings. I work for a corporation that does the very same thing.
Stillin - You have a point with the "love bombing."
Blondie - You crack me up!
no more kool aid
Another poster said they have become like other religions that have these rules, but people kind of do their own thing anyway. That is what I notice a lot of. Yes they go to meetings and out in service but they get drunk, work for cash under the table, see rated "R" movies, listen to rap etc. etc. I guess that is the definition of hypocrisy. I don't see them changing doctrine, just looking the other way. There will always be the good super JW's and the bad JW's.