English C.O. Visit last talk on Sunday - Highlights

by BonaFide 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • BonaFide

    So I went to the English meeting last Sunday, friends who don't know what I know wanted me to go with them.

    The circuit oversser is brother Rucker. He started off by saying, "Now why do you think that Jehovah chose YOU to be in his organization? What makes you special? You may not think you are special, but Jehovah does, that is why he chose you."

    His talk was a lot of encouragement to keep going, no real mention of the time of the end, just more encouragement to stick with it, and that Jehovah is really making things happen around the world as far as the preaching work is concerned.

    It was easy to see from the very first sentence of his talk that he really believes it. There is no doubt in anything that he says. He really believes that Jehovah is using the Organization. No question about it.

    When I first came on here a few months ago, I really thought that since I had come to my senses, that everyone else would too, and the Organization would dissolve or major changes would take place.

    But that is not happening. It's just like wishful thinking on my part. The congregation that I visited was almost all older people, a few younger ones in there, but they loved the talk, the brother, the singing, everything.

    My goodness, is anything ever going to change?


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Doubt anything earth shattering will ever happen. There are so many goofy groups out there that operate under the guise of religion. People want to follow a leader no matter how nutty it sounds. Look at the children of God. The women are literally prostitutes sleeping with men for their salvation. Hookers for Jesus.

  • oompa

    I am so glad i finally woke up so i could be a moonie..........oompa

  • WTWizard

    I have bad news for them: Jehovah did not choose anyone. He chose everyone, and only those who were stupid or naive enough to believe them or that were born in and had no choice actually accepted that invitation (whether volitionally or not). And no, they are not special because everyone has been chosen.

    And now I am serving their Satan, as an apostate.

  • yknot

    More proof that the WTS is having the R&F treading water until all changes are put in place.

    Similarly our CO delivered a message few weeks ago was about keeping busy in the work, but we did to hear about the end was closer then ever. Got keep the older ones of our KH (the majority) happy and not depressed about not living forever.

    Independent thinking is the idle minds playground........

  • minimus

    well, you know how circuit overseers are.

  • sacolton

    I think they are in emergency mode to keep others from even thinking of leaving the organization. Love bombing and morale boosting will be the main focus.

  • snowbird

    Is Brother Rucker the Black CO who hails from Texas?

    If so, he's the one I was referring to in this thread:



  • slimboyfat
    When I first came on here a few months ago, I really thought that since I had come to my senses, that everyone else would too, and the Organization would dissolve or major changes would take place.

    I think we all know that feeling! I would see hints that others in the congregation were having doubts too: a strange comment, something in their conversation, a slightly unorthodox view or action. Maybe some other people are having doubts, it's hard to tell, but mostly it's probably just wishful thinking. It's hard to accept things just go on as normal. But I have to realise there were countless thousands who got wise to the Watchtower being a load of rubbish before I was even born. And in all likelihood there will be countless thousands believing it for the first time for many years to come.

  • snowbird


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