my JWD friend in is jail desperate.....

by oompa 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    i am so close to them...but they were so desperate they made a very bad decision....and they had never done anything wrong in their is tearing my heart out.....because there is nothng i can do to help them..and i can not even talk with them...

    they are friends to many of us btw......

    and ya...the reason they are in trouble is because their jw-ex sicked the police on them.....pathetic....and even though they moved far away...the local elders help the police....oompa

  • oompa

    and i must add....that being desperate can make you do many things you would never ever do normally.......i know this first hand......oomps

  • Hope4Others

    Bad decisions or not sadly we pay for them....


  • FlyingHighNow

    Are you speaking of one person, Oompa? You say they and them. Hey, your friend will survive. Lots of good people end up in jail. I never have been in jail, but I know good people who have.

  • JWdaughter

    What's going on? JWD folks are the friends of all of us-anything anyone can do? (Here is hoping this is just a metaphor for something else going on)

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If you do get a chance to talk to him........ wish him well from me.

    Some of my mates have made some pretty bad cock-ups in their time, but they are OK now.



  • lisavegas420

    I'm sorry our fellow JWD friend is in trouble.

    If we guess what they did will you tell us if were right? I'm hoping it something simple that they will learn from. Like drinking and driving or not paying childsupport.

    My husband's daughter just got out of prison after 9months, for the second time for not paying her childsupport. I refused to let my husband pay her childsupport and get her caught up. She has a responsibity, she owes those children.


  • shamus100
  • lisavegas420

    Did you just roll your eyes at me? 'Cause if anybody should be rollin' their eyes it's me rollin my eyes at you. So there. lisa

  • crazyblondeb

    I know what you speak of, and it's tearing me apart, too.

    Makes me want to get the plastic tarp and duct tape out.

    This person doesn't deserve what is happening!!

    stupid jw's.....I can't post want i really want to, I'd get in trouble.

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