Six Screens comments on controversial conference call

by kool aid man06 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • yknot
  • WTWizard

    Nice to expose Satanism going on right within the witless religion itself. Regardless of whether or not people are willing to accept it or it's too much for some to take, it still needs to be exposed.

  • ninja

    I'm sorry ravyn.....but I'm not swallowing your story(s)

  • isaacaustin

    Even IF everything Ravyn has spoken of regarding SRAs is the WTs own logic in their newest light, they would be akin to Satanists.

    Keep Yourself in God's Love- released this past convention...


    It is of interest to note that the most important day in the religion called Satanism is

    one's birthday. Why? (((((Because Satanists hold that each individual is a god if he

    chooses to view himself as one.))))) Thus, to celebrate one's own birthday is to

    celebrate the birth of a god. Of course, most people do not take such an extreme,

    egotistical view. Nevertheless, the book

    The Lore of Birthdays states: "Other

    holidays lift the heart, but birthdays warm the ego."

    The GB exalts itself- me-ism. They demand sacrifices to themselves in the form of refusal of blood. LOL They even celebrated their own 100th birthday! So we have their own admission that they are Satanists!

  • Seeker4

    I'm with Jgnat and Ninja on this one. Outrageous, crackpot claims that are entirely unsubstantiated and that are totally contrary to everyone elses experiences in the WTS just make us look like, well, crackpots and idiots.

    Ravyn's "story" was full of holes and contradictions, and completely lacking in outside verification. I've had several friends in the writing and art departments at Bethel for many years, and the concept of them using the "channelled" writings of a child as the basis for Watchtower articles is completely contrary to anything in my experience or of that of people in the know whom I trust.

    I'm not saying that Ravyn is your typical charlatan. She may very well totally believe that she was involved in satanic rituals at Bethel. My take on this is that we were much more likely exposed to a person with serious mental and emotional illness and issues, a very common situation among those claiming SRA.

    I understand the need to allow people to tell their stories, and I'm a firm believer in freedom of speech and the press. I don't think that's the issue here. What might have been learned from this is the need for caution so that a person with mental issues isn't taken advantage of by being allowed to expose herself in such a public platform. Most scientests I know are firm believers in freedom of speech, but that doesn't mean they book Flat Earthers or Moon Landing Deniers to speak at their scientific conventions


  • minimus

    Well put, Seeker!

    IN MY OPINION, (only mine) people who run around carrying signs, accusing the WT. of doing diabolical things, etc. do a disservice to the cause more than they might think. I believe koolaidman means well. I think he might view having some controversy as being a good marketing tool in the long run. But I think it can be counter-productive. It really is a turn-off, plain and simple. Accentuating the weird claims of exjws will not draw most people to see the truth about the Organization. Normal people tend to dismiss the seriousness of those putting such types on. But like I said: it's just my opinion.

  • Gill

    Minimus - I totally agree!

    These people who ran around claiming that the Watchtower was covering over pedophilia, investing in cigarette and arms companys, writing appeasing letters to Hitler etc had no right to sully the name of the Watchtower. These ex JWs who did this should understand that they are counter productive to the ex JW cause. Plain and simple, it's just a turn off!

  • Word

    Well, the organization is definitely diabolic. To hide this, would be wrong.

  • minimus

    Gill, I'm glad we see eye to eye again.

  • slimboyfat

    Mad as a box of frogs.

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