kool aid man06 wrote:
All reading this post have hopefully come to understand the Watchtower organization is very dark, and evil.
I believe this is a stretch. I will agree that the Watchtower leaders are delusional and intellectually dishonest, but I do not see any Satanic elements within the organization. I tend to believe and trust the people who know what they are talking about: people like Ray Franz. He should know, having actually served on the Governing Body. He has never described the organization as "dark" or "evil", and has never even suggested any Satanic elements. However, he does admit that the leadership is "captivated by a concept" and that their own indoctrination have deluded them into holding fantastical ideas.
kool aid man06 continued:
The Six Screens Conference Call has a variety of subjects and guests. We make an attempt to gather information, examine it, and let the listeners draw their own conclusions.
This mission statement reminds me of a relatively well known radio show called "Coast to Coast" that broadcasts out of St. Louis. It features stories about remote viewing, how the government performed autopsies on aliens, bigfoot, prophecies found in the pyramids, and how alien-human hybrids are living among us. They also claim to "let the listeners draw their own conclusions". Very well. I have concluded that their radio show is childish bullshit. And, as many doubting JWs venture to investigate a website such as six screens, they will also draw similar conclusions. I don't blame them.
Doubting JWs are looking for legitimate and rational answers to the Watchtower's doctrinal flip-flops, blood policies, false predictions, and the authoritarian atmosphere within the org. When they see these wild and fantastical Stephen King type stories, they only conclude that "apostates" have either lost their minds, or they deliberately fabricate stories to mislead people.
The Watchtower has published enough silliness for us to discuss at great length. We do not need to go out on these elaborate "easter egg hunts". Leave that to our resident nut job JCanon.