Latest tract campaign a complete bust in our area - yours?

by bud2114 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • bud2114

    So much for worldwide coverage of the latest tract campaign that ended on Nov 16. ("Would you like to know the truth?") Our service overseer announced last night on the local needs part that our cong. covered only 40% of our cong. territory which, by the way, is not that large. We have 121 pubs and 3 reg. pioneers. There was absolutely no excitement shown on this campaign by our group at all. Even worse, our C.O. visit was two weeks ago and he revealed that our avg. publisher hours since his last visit was 5.9 and our Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting attendance was at 81%. You can just guess how the elders meeting during his visit went.

    Wondering if everyone else's congregation activity is as lethargic as ours. I keep reading the stats in the KM and our cong. is not even close to the national avg. The December 08 KM, for example, shows a new peak of pubs for the US for the Aug 08 service month. Can this be right? I just don't see it. I know a lot of the reporting by the friends is suspect, but something tells me the books are cooked when it comes to the final national numbers. I know personally I wouldn't put anything past this organization. From my prospective, here in central North Carolina USA, even the most ardent JW's are becoming increasingly listless. With the new meeting schedule in 09 I suspect an even greater slowdown as more and more become involved in secular activities.

  • shamus100


    When you can report 15 minutes as counting 'time', it's no wonder they're holding onto they're numbers.

    I saw nobody come by. I haven't been called on once since I left dubdom - that was a long, long time ago.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    Well I'm proud to say that, for the first time in my "theocratic" life, I had no part in the tract campaign!

    And bud2114, you have a pm.

  • yknot

    We have done 90% of our territory allegedly *

    *I and the momineers volunteered for the most distant areas in our 3 county territory.......but of course we didn't do more then 15 actual placements stuck in gates of various ranches.

    The Spanish Congo has covered all theirs and are doing a second round......

  • BizzyBee
    something tells me the books are cooked when it comes to the final national numbers.

    I've often thought - why not? Who is to question them if they change the criteria for counting pubs, attendance, baptism, etc., etc.

    We are in an easily accessed territory and I am home a lot. But I haven't seen a JW or literature left in over a year.

  • aniron

    I've been asking people I know in streets around were I live. Not one of them has had a tract. Yet the Kingdom Hall is just up the road from me.

    I have asked in the church I attend, a congregation of nearly 300, that covers probably the territory of 4 JW congregations. So far not one person has said that they have had such a tract.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I did my part to contribute to the lack of success...

    I picked up tracts out of doors...and gutters....and trash cans.....and put them in the shredder at home and put it in the recycle bin.

    I seen lots in doors...and a few in houses that I had to go into for my job...but most everyone said they had not actually read it..thought it was junk mail or something...

    Snakes ()

  • AgentSmith

    Snakes, I think that you are correct. Tract = Junk mail (the wost kind). I had a copy stuffed in the post box. The Jw's in South Africa are a bit more motivated it seems.... Agent Smith

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    There was a tract work last month? Wow! Not a single JW spotted. No messages from the front gate. No one seen in the neighborhood or doing street work. I would say major bust in Los Angeles.

  • Jringe01

    I got last year's tract but not this one unless roomie intercepted it and threw it out (kinda hopin she did)

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