Latest tract campaign a complete bust in our area - yours?

by bud2114 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?


  • dozy

    There was an item on the service meeting on Tuesday asking about experiences for the tract campaign - nobody had any. The brother just had to flannel about sowing the seed & not knowing how they are to grow. One JW put his hand up & spoke about how he had had more rejections than ever before in these campaigns & this showed how much people's attitudes were hardening. Not exactly a positive experience!

    These campaigns used to be special & looked forward to but now they are several times a year they have lost any kind of meaning & the brothers don't have any enthusiasm for them.

    Regarding the figures , increasingly JWs are being polarised into 2 groups - 20% who are very enthusiastic and pioneering like there is no tomorrow. 80% are increasingly apathetic. The WTS are motivating their core supporters.

    Incidentally we got our Jan KMs. Different format but no announcement about pioneer hours.

  • WTWizard

    ONLY 40%? I was kind of hoping it would be closer to 10%, or even lower than that! Good to see the pathetic attitude toward the work, though.

    I never got my waste of paper. I also never saw a witless out in field circus during this past Waste of Paper Distribution Campaign. That doesn't mean they were not out--they were probably out in the poor areas of the city placing wastes of paper in their doors. (Which is better because they are not going to have much to donate to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund if they do go in).

    Then again, the reason I didn't see any witlesses out could be because I get home from work before they meet for field circus and head out into the territories. I make a general rule to stay out of the territory while the witlesses are most likely to be out, because I do not need one or more of them to pick me up, forcibly dress me up in a puke green suit, and drag me out in field circus.

  • sir82
    The December 08 KM, for example, shows a new peak of pubs for the US for the Aug 08 service month. Can this be right? I just don't see it.

    It's probably right. Keep in mind a couple of things:

    1) August is the end of the Service Year. The secretaries go over their records and see who haas missed turning in one or more reports, and bug people to fill in missing numbers. Those numbers are then added to the "regular" August totals. So you might have a congregation with 100 publishers show a report where 120 were "publishing" that month - 90 for the month of August and 30 reports from previous months added in. It looks like a peak for August - but it really isn't.

    2) Foreign-language groups are often busting at the seams, in particular Spanish-language congregations in high-immigrant areas. Where an English-speaking District Convention might have 60 or 70 baptized, a Spanish-language DC of the same size might have 200 or 300 baptized. There's still a lot of growth among undereducated, internet-illiterate immigrants in the USA.

  • oompa

    holy cow bud...a late welcome aboard to jwd....another tarheel!......we have enought for a small congo now

    and nobody has called at my home if four years to my knowledge, but i think they sprayed a small red "A" on the front of my mailbox.............oompa

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    The results here were about the same. A guesstimate of 50% of the territory completed, which means they assumed that most of the territories taken out were completely covered even though they were not turned in. So, I'm thinking its closer to 40% (maybe less). The experiences were not very good. They went along the line of, "the person was nice and took the tract, I'll be following up". One person said they were reactivating an old study, with this weekend being the first study. I am happy to report that I passed out exactly 0! I did however, recycle the 50 copies I was given.

  • iceguy

    Oompa we do seem to have quite a few people here in NC on this board.

    Welcome Bud!

  • RR

    They haven't covered my neighborhood. Although I did find the tracts littering the ground on my mail route!


  • blondie

    Actually only severely ill, aged or disabled jws can count 15 minutes and then only after approval by the congregation service committe (PO, secretary, service overseer, I think). This time is only sent in when 1 hour is accumulated (after 4 months I would think).

    *** km 10/02 p. 8 par. 6 How Congregation Book Study Overseers Show Personal Interest ***AsaLovingShepherd: The book study overseer is interested in those who because of their circumstances are able to have only a small share in the preaching work. He makes sure that those who are very limited because of advanced age or because of being shut-ins and those who are temporarily limited because of serious illness or injury are aware of the provision that allows them to report field service time in 15-minute increments if they are not able to report a complete hour during one month. (The Congregation Service Committee determines who qualifies for this provision.)

  • Gayle

    Dozy, can you scan the January KM for us?

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