Received my tract last month--How it went at the door...

by Confession 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mum

    Someone knocked on my door and handed me the tract also. She told me there were questions on the front. I told her that some questions could not be answered. She told me that the ones on the tract would be. Then she rushed on, trying to get them all out in one day, I suppose.


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    It was always the simple statements that people said at the doors that stuck with me. One lady said, "I used to do what you are doing." I wanted to ask why, but didn't. Made me wonder for quite a while.

    "I disagree with some of your teachings." and "Some questions can't be answered." are both good responses because they are not too threatening and will cause a person to wonder later exactly what teachings or questions you were referring to.

    The next step is to start researching to find out why some have left this religion. You never know who you might help.

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    I like your style Confession.

  • Confession


  • flipper

    CONFESSION- Good job bro ! You planted some thoughts into her mind ; even though outwardly she would never let you know that. So down the road some seeds of doubt and questions about the organization might jar her memory of her discussion with you


    It's people like you that made me think about why people would leave the cult.

    Thank you, good job!

  • Mary
    So have you thought about coming back to the Kingdom Hall?"


  • moshe
    "So have you thought about coming back to the Kingdom Hall?"

    Reminds of the dorky guy in the now passe' Dodge truck commercials, " That thing got a Hemi?" The JW's have been reduced to using tract campaigns

    to cover their territory. The 21st century JW's just don't have to same spirit of the ones from 40 years ago.

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