If JWs are very honest, do you think they will have more members?
by asilentone 15 Replies latest jw friends
Jeremy C
If they were more transparent about their history of false predictions, how they arrived at their blood policies, and how the Governing Body votes on it's doctrines, then I would say that far fewer people would join. Organizations that use bait and switch recruiting usually find that such techniques are a necessity for their growth.
They would have fewer members. The entire process of converting someone to the religion is deceptive, and neither the Bible teacher nor the student knows it.
Can you imagine if JWs were offering householders a complete list of all JW rules?
Can you imagine what would happen if this (very truthful) question were added to the baptism questions: "Will you remain an obedient JW, even if you prove to yourself from the Scriptures that we are not God's organization?"
Honest with whom?
........ or themselves?
Men rarely give up money and power for honesty and humbleness....... save a few like Ray.
yknot, the answer is r&f
The concept of being 'chosen' and the 'end is nigh' is their bread and butter.
This all said, next time you visit a congregation mentally tally up how many JWs in the hall actually have a firm grasp of all the doctrines.
In my KH case there are very few. Most just happen to agree with the 3 core, a literal 144,000 as a ruling class, but not necessarily mediation, and holidays (well B-days are a flip-flop item)................ they also like the warm and fuzzy lion petting idea of a 'new system' that includes resurrection even though most will admit the Bible doesn't say so.
Yah, they could probably get all the republicans in the US to follow them.
Hey were full of shxt, come follow us.
Lady Lee
complicated question
Individual JWs lie all the time - both consciously and unconsciously. Every time they are put in the position of choosing the real truth over WTS-induced beliefs they make the decision to go on the side of the WTS. Most often fear is the root of that decision.
On the corporate level only those people at the top have any degree of decision-making ability. Over more than one century they have unfailingly opted to ignore truth over the lies they continue to advocate.
For proof: Just look at the archives here on JWD.as well as elsewhere on the internet.
Aw heck all anyone has to do is read the real history of the WTS contained in its own masses of literature. And I'm talking about the original copies - not the rewritten history produced as a cover-up
If people find out about the true history NO they won't join up and if they are in most will leave if they can
The list of rules! I have actually thought it would be interesting to pass that out to anyone who takes some of their literature, like when they're out at the tables.
Hey Aunt Bee how ya' doin'??
The "list of rules" are never talked about at first....not until they suck you in (read: brainwash you). Then, you are already part of the Borg..... Gymbob