If JWs are very honest, do you think they will have more members?

by asilentone 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • mustang


    It's part of their strategy to avoid or deflect the negative features. It's the Sin of Omission versus the Sin of Commission. I don't know if this was conscious (by design) or not conscious (by accident or evolution). I put it down to what works, works and they semiconsciously adapted the favourable strategy.

    Damn WTS: preaches against Evolution and couldn't survive without Natural Selection


  • stillajwexelder

    no - they will lose them which is why they will continue as long as possible being deceptive

  • WTWizard

    If they were totally honest with their policies, there would be fewer people joining. However, those who do join would be more likely to stay in. As for whether that would be good or not is another matter--children born in would still have no choice.

  • RR

    I think if they were more honest and open, and not so dogmatic on everything they teach and do, it would be more tolerable. That doesn't mean they can't have their strange views. If they were to say, "This is what we believe and teach" and leave it at that ... things would be much better. I also think they should leave the affairs of the congregation in the hands of the congregation.


  • Farkel

    : If JWs are very honest, do you think they will have more members?

    If they were very honest, the JWs would have no members, because then those members would be in a completely different religion with only the same name left unchanged.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I don't think they would exist if they were honest. First they would have to admit that there is no evidence that Christ came back in 1914 and only they saw this with there "eyes of understanding". They would have to admit that they made it up some twenty or so years later. And that Jesus didn't examine all the religious organization at that time and choose them because they were ones teaching the truth and that claiming this was an arrogant lie they made up to further their cause. Also that the name for God that they have taken as their own is incorrect. That having the memorial, communion, the Lord's meal or whatever you want to call it once a year is no more "often" than if you ask me if I go out for dinner often and I answer yes once a year. These are just a few of the things they would have to admit they were wrong about. I don't think there would be much left once all the lies and cover ups were removed.

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