Kingdom Hall Interiors

by TheMan 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheMan

    So I drove by my old kingdom hall the other day and noticed that it had a for sale sign in front of it. This came as no surprise to me, as I knew that they recently won approval to build a new kingdom hall in a neighboring town. (Caused a bit of a stir in town - but that's a different story). Anyway, I was curious as to how much it was going for, so I went online and found the listing! The listing had quite a few photos, and it reminded me of just how drab looking it was inside. Actually, I've been in kingdom halls that looked far worse - I just wonder who was responsible for bright orange chairs on green carpet in the second classroom! Although drab looking, it's still in very good condition - yet it's being sold because the "brothers" are turning a profit, and it gives business to the RBC. Talk about perpetuating urban sprawl... Anyway, I posted the listing's link to the pics for everyone to take a look...How does this kingdom look compared to the one you attended, or attend now? What wonderful kingdom hall memories does this bring up of the way yours looked, if any? :)

  • TheMan

    This is the link - I was using Google Chrome on my last post and didn't have all the formatting tools that IE I wasn't able to make the it is...

  • stillajwexelder

    That is a a nice hall - loads of space

  • stillajwexelder

    In London they would make at least tow separate halls out of that building

  • Gram

    Did you notice this KH has windows?

  • TheMan

    Interesting comment about the windows... Yeah, the only reason this one has windows is because the KH was originally built in the 50's. The ones built inthe 50's & 60's had windows. Notice the main auditorium has no windows - that was added on in the 80's when the entire building was renovated after it was set on fire by arsonists - no lie. It still boggles my mind that they're selling this hall (with no mortgage) off to build a new one.

  • LDH

    Built in the 50's for probably less than $50,000....probably took out a "loan" from the Society to remodel....which has long been paid off since it was done in the 80' they're going to sell it, easily half-million in profit.... which will belong to "mother" because they'll have to take out a loan on the new property pay mother....again.

    By the way, that is the most joyless looking facility I have ever seen.

    Bench chairs and a tacky ass 'year text.' Standard issue for all Kingdom Halls. Well almost. I know of a KH in Maryland in the 80's that had wireless mics and theatre seating.

  • abbagail

    I love orange and green! Great tropical Florida colors! But in the hallway they had MAROON and BLUE -- "Country Kitchen Colors" -- which I can't stand! Hardly a match w/orange and green!

    And that drab yellowish curtain on the stage... surely there is a waterfall/paradise-earth mural behind it? ;-)


    When they redecorated my old hall, they did it in Maroon and Grey. Blah blah blah!

    I always liked the colors of the KH down from the one I attended, as they did theirs in TEAL TEAL TEAL! ;-)


    In the ad, all they show is payments, but what's the big kahuna total price?

    Not that I want to buy it, just curious. Though former KH's would make nice start-up places for Bible Churches... after they anoint it with oil and run the WT demonz out... ;-)

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Most old Halls look like they were designed by "Austin Powers" Shagga-delic baby yeah!

  • Honesty

    The interior resembles the "EAST" kingdom hall in Knoxville, TN. before it was remodeled in 1991.

    It has been remodeled a few times since then.

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