You are in my thoughts and prayers. May she find the peace of God.
My wife just passed away in her sleep
by rekless 109 Replies latest jw friends
(( ))
I quit!
I'm very sorry to hear this Dan. Thoughts and prayers
I am very sorry for your loss, Dan. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you.
I'm very sorry to hear that.
I think your wife is somplace better, and you will join her with all of your loved ones in time at the end of your journey.
She has gone ahead and will greet you when you arrive.
We should be happy for her.
Dying is not hard.
Living is.
So be strong, my friend, for your lovely wife.
But we all have to live until it is our time to go to the other side.
no more kool aid
I am so sorry for your loss.
Has anyone heard from Rekless? How he is? What his wife passed away from?
Im really sorry for your loss Dan.