Do you find debating with a JW exhaustive?

by digderidoo 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    Well, I have found anyone who has a certified religious belief is not going to give it up easily. Mormons will dance around their "Native Americans are descended from the lost tribes of Israel" Book of the Mormon teaching , rather than admit Joseph Smith was wrong, then admit that the Book of Mormon was wrong, then admit their religion is just the invention of a 19th century con artist. It is rather hard to debate a JW in the flesh, I have found.

    I've tried and they always cut it off- "this is not a productive conversation", they say- like it's all my fault they have to leave.

  • RR

    It can be difficult at times. But well worth it if you can get them to think. I remember back in the day when AOL first started, I was in a chatroom debating a JW, this guys was so headstrong, straitshooter, if the society could clone him they'd be unstoppable. Ten years later he looked me up on the net to tell me he was out thanks to me. Something just kicked in.


  • cawshun

    mrsjones5, the video is hillarious, I love how it ties in with this post!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It's easier than trying to prove they are right to a non-JW.

    I find it no problem at all to prove them wrong with their own Bible.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Oh, and I know when to quit talking with them: when it becomes a little hot.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    They are never convinced after I talk to them. They do end up cutting it short and leaving.

  • WTWizard

    It is a waste of time. I tried on MySpace, only to get them to put up the same stock argument out of the False Reasoning Book or a washtowel. Other apostates also try, with the same results.

    Rather, I go for making them look stupid in front of worldly people. I know I will get nowhere with trying to get them out. Instead, if a study stumbles on it and sees the stupidity of their logic, and discontinues the study, that is enough.

  • blondie

    All you can do is plant a well supported idea and then it may grow.

    In 1993, I was asked to prove that Jesus was Michael the archangel using the scriptures. I researched the WTS publications well but found that it was based on supposition, not actual proof. I finally said that the bible doesn't prove it either way and left it at that.

    I also was asked to explain the 2300 days mentioned in the bible. I found that the WTS had many and conflicting explanations.

    So I walked away from that discussion knowing that I didn't know enough about my religion. But it took almost ten years and other events to convince me to leave permanently.

    Just be respectful make your point clearly and leave it unless they want to discuss more later respectfully.


  • sacolton

    You guys just don't get it ...

    Do you realize their WHOLE WORLD would crash and burn if they are proven wrong? It simply must not happen! It can't be true! There's just TOO MUCH at stake.

  • blondie

    But then Sac, there are those of us that we "strong" jws that weathered the realization we had been told lies and walked away.

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