At Bethel are there any women managers at all?

by VM44 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • VM44

    To those who would know I would like to ask if there are departments at Bethel where a woman is the manager.

    What about the kitchen? Can a woman be a manager, or overseer, or whatever there?

    Cleaning Department, what about this one most of that work is given to the women?

  • watson

    Not gonna happen....for obvious reasons..

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Need a penis to point out what to do and how to do it.

  • watson


  • besty

    I think in time this may be the Achilles Heel of many religious organisations who wish taxpayer funding - aka 'charitable status'

    Charity regulators are already turning their searchlight on religion - for example in the UK

    We need a regular pioneer sister to reach out to Bethel and ask to be considered for appointment as an elder. The written response would be illuminating. Of course we also need a charity regulator with a desire to stamp out prejudice disguised as religion. Any volunteers?

    The other angle is for a grassroots movement from the general public who don't want their tax dollar suppporting whacked out, dangerous belief systems - it is in all our hands to keep educating Joe the Plumber.

  • AndersonsInfo

    Nope!!! As an example, Olga Campbell, Merton's wife (Service Dept. fame), was the Bethel Home decorator when we were in Bethel. Her overseer was, I believe, Russell Davis, overseer of Home Projects. He worked out of the 124 Columbia Heights Bethel Office. An assistant, Tim Voytko, worked with Olga for years and she was authorized to tell him what to do to help her, but she was not his manager, Russell Davis was. Ogla often expressed how annoyed she was that she did the job of manager, but wasn't given the title and had to do Davis's bidding along with giving him the credit for her work. But George Couch, the Bethel Office Overseer, knew that Olga really ran the show, and was loyal to her.

    Another example: Joy Woody, Charles's wife (Service Dept. fame) ran the Accounting Office her way for years. When we were at Bethel, her overseer was David Giglio, and I was given to understand that when Dave became overseer, Joy taught him everything she knew as she did Accounting Dept. overseers before him. However, by the time we left Bethel in Dec. 1992, Joy had lost lots of her power because her accounting methods were old fashioned and accounting experts were brought in who taught the staff better ways to keep track of WT's money.

    Although these women were not given the title of overseer, they were treated with respect because of their long years of service, but it was not easy for them to always act subservient to men.


  • loosie
    Need a penis to point out what to do and how to do it.

    LOL are their fingers unable to point?!?!?!

  • sacolton
    Need a penis to point


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    How does the penis pointing work, you may ask?

    Well it only points when the male overseers are with the women they are "supervising" and they need to point out what the women need to do. During other times, the penis doesn't point at all. It generally needs to presence of a female to get pointy.

  • loosie
    During other times, the penis doesn't point at all. It generally needs to presence of a female to get pointy.

    The more men I hear about the more I like being a woman.


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