I received the following emails, one yesterday and the other today and thought you'll like to see an example of the positive and the negative messages I regularly receive through Webmaster at my website, Watchtower Documents, LLC, www.watchtowerdocuments.com.
Here's the negative message:
"I must say that after reading your biography, I am shocked. Quite frankly, a little scared too. I mean, you were such a spiritual person, even working in the Writing Department at Bethel! And now you have completely betrayed everything you knew for your entire life. How a person can develop such a change is beyond me. To think that you wrote some of the articles we have today is weird and wrong! What happened to the truth you came to love and appreciate? Why did you ever get baptized? Because of Jehovah's Witnesses, I have come to know the true God Jehovah and his purpose for mankind. I have come to learn many truths that are hidden among all other religions. How can you abandon all you had? Do you not feel an inch of remorse? You were in the Writing Department!! In Bethel!! Looking at your picture just creeps me out. Honestly. To think that this was once one of my dear sisters. Now you spend your entire life to speaking out against Jehovah's Witnesses. Did you not use to believe that apostates would come out of the true God's organization and speak out against it? It's all in Scripture. Why don't you apostates just leave the organization? Why do you have to come back and devote all you have to speak out against it? Why don't you just leave us alone? Do you not see that those the Bible warned against fits your description? I must say, you deserve to not have your son and grandchild see you!
In all, how can you live with yourself after all that you have done? I'm still in my teens and this has just devastated me. I will definitely continue to serve Jehovah faithfully with his organization. But as for you... I hope Jehovah brings to you what you deserve."
And here’s the positive one:
"Thank you for making the Truth known and exposing cult-like behavior of the Watchtower organization on your website. I have had doubts for years, but stuck around because of long standing relationships which are hard to sever. I have personally suffered at the hands of the elders over the years which I had difficulty in my marriage…subsequently, my marriage ended in divorce and I am now single. The divorce opened my eyes and now I am doing my research to determine the real origin of the Watchtower and its founders. I must say, what I have uncovered is very disappointing and disgusting. Thanks again and keep up the good work!"
How about some reply suggestions to the first email cause I'm mentally tired of trying to figure out what's the best way to handle these critical messages.
Thanks for your help.
Please read condemnatory email sent to me and help me reply
by AndersonsInfo 95 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Quite frankly, a little scared too
I would zero in on this remark.
Scared of what? Of finding that the leaders of the organization have lied and covered over its wrongdoing?
I would mention that at the outset I felt the same way.
I would sympathize with the emotional state of the e-mailer, but state that truth is truth.
PS Thank you for all your hard work, Barbara.
Oh, I would ignore the remark about your son and g'child. He/she knows not what they're doing.
White Dove
Maybe suggest that the writer go to college and, after taking the required critical thinking courses, re-read the literature and post again.
I remember as a teenager being very scared of the world. The JW upbringing gave me something to hold on to. I sense fear in this one.
Yeah the teenager is young an inexperienced. I like how they say truths that are hidden in ALL the other religions. How many other religions has this teenager investigated? That is an all encompassing statement for such a young person to make.
In all, how can you live with yourself after all that you have done?
My answer to this would be... How could I live with myself if I knew about the child molester policy and did nothing to try to change it? I am trying to protect children like yourself and ones younger that you.
When someone is as closed minded as the first person is, it's pretty much a waste of time trying to get them see reason. This person is trapped in a cult. They won't listen to logic and reason until they see the need to question the authority of the Society themselves.
You could just respond and say that you once felt as they did...privileged to learn about Jehovah God through the Watchtower Society and JWs but once you learned of some of the dirty things being covered up you could no longer keep quiet knowing that many people would want to know the truth about the "truth". Let them you know you wish them no ill will personally and hope they are happy in their service to the organization. But remind them to never be afraid to question what they read anywhere, be it the Soceity, your website or another website about JWs.
She is a teenager. You cannot reason with teenagers, they know everything about everything.
I would probably thank her for her response and validate her concern and her passion. And sign off with something like "truth" was is still very important to you, and "time tells all truth." Then leave it.
Because of Jehovah's Witnesses, I have come to know the true God Jehovah and his purpose for mankind. I have come to learn many truths that are hidden among all other religions. How can you abandon all you had?
I would refer to this Scripture from the NWT.
1 Corinthians 13: 2 And if I have the gift of prophesying and am acquainted with all the sacred secrets and all knowledge, and if I have all the faith so as to transplant mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
JW's love conditionally; how long do you think they would "love" you if they knew you were corresponding with a known "apostate"?
I'm still in my teens and this has just devastated me. I will definitely continue to serve Jehovah faithfully with his organization. But as for you... I hope Jehovah brings to you what you deserve."
You are still young and it will take time for you to develop critical thinking skills. You can start by reflecting on Proverbs 18:13 which states that we should hear a matter out before replying to it. Have you really heard me out?
I think I would say something like this.
I am surprised with your obvious devout loyalty to the Organization that you found yourself at my website. Obviously you are curious about something. Then I would direct her to ...let's say ten other websites exposing the WT.
And, I would say how it pained you deeply learning what you have about the organization,
and hope that she or none of her other friends in the truth suffer from any abuse within the religion.
Then I really want to say, GROW UP you snotty little teenager, and have a little respect for your elders(not meaning WT elders)
Hi Barb.
Your e-mailer said ..........."And now you have completely betrayed everything you knew for your entire life. How a person can develop such a change is beyond me.......... . How can you abandon all you had".
Perhaps you could ask your critic how people in christendom betray all that they knew their entire life when they become a witness. It's funny when the shoe is on the other foot how these types cannot reason. Ask this person how much critical study they've done about the witnesses and why they are afraid to. Tell her/him that witnesses spend hours at peoples houses answering questions such as these....but when these householders become witnesses they can no longer discuss issues such as this.
ps. Keep up the good work Barb and hubby