Why don't you apostates just leave the organization? Why do you have to come back and devote all you have to speak out against it?
JW's have died for refusing medical treatment that is now acceptable to the organization. Why did Jehovah kill them? Doesnt Jehovah instruct the organization? How could jehovah lie to his chosen channel like that?
1 John 4:1 commands us to examine everything we are taught - the organization does "not endorse" the examination of its teachings. Why would the WTS put themselves above scripture and above Jehovah?
Jesus stated in Mathew 24 that "false prophets" would predict His coming. they would say "he is here or there" (paraphrased) and not too listen them. Why has the WTS made so many predictions about Jesus return? Why would they be so foolish as to fulfill such a clearly defined role - that of a false prophet making false predictions of jesus return? You do know that you only need to read old issues of the WT to see this for yourself right?
Go to your KH library and see for yourself. Ask your elders about these questions, they will be happy to help you find the answers in the bible.