I had lots of nit-picking done to me.......
Nail polish.... PO thought only women over 21 should wear colors other then faint pink and clear.
Red Shoes ..... Visiting Speaker (San Antonio) remarked they were a signal for men to proposition... the Sunday I was wearing a white dress (mid-calf length), with red belt, hairbow and red MARY JANES!
Moving out & going to college versus staying home and waiting until my parents/elders to arranged a suitable husband to care for me from our circuit.
At fifteen the PO asked my why I felt I thought it was ESSENTIAL to enroll in drivers-ed.
Told not to wear braided pigtails for my BS's turn at lawncare...... not 'demure' for JW tweens.
Desiring to watch DISNEY'S Cinderella.
Wanting to anwser at the BS more then twice a night..... (this was supposedly pridefulnes on my part)