What non-issues did you get "counseled" about?

by rebel8 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Do you want it alphabetically or chronologically? Actually I wouldn't be able to remember them all.

    I see some things mentioned in other posts that is similar to things I've been counseled on...like "loud" or too colorful neckties.

    The post about white socks reminded me of being counseled for wearing a necklace. According to the elder who counseled us, only the homosexual community wore them and we wouldn't want to copy their clothing styles.

    Being counseled on how to pronounce "often" reminds me an MS overseer that counseled the entire congregation on this same thing. And another MS overseer gave a lecture on how to pronounce the phrase "born again". Being from the rural South, a lot of the old timers said "borned again" instead of "born again". Instead of allowing for this countryfied way of speaking, the fancy Yankee elder had to make a point of embarrassing all the hicks who couldn't speak correctly.

    I was constantly harrassed counseled about my facial hair...mustache too long, or even having one...growing a "soul patch" (it was okay for the black brothers, but let a while brother grow one and it's a sure-fire trip to the back room).

    I got counseled over what kind of overcoat to wear in field service. An elder imposed his particular like of full length coats on all the pioneer and MSs in the congregation. No jackets allowed...it had to be 3/4 or full length over/rain coat.

    Riding alone in a car with *gasp* a sister got me counseled a few times.

    I know there are many more, but the longer I'm away from the JW life, the more those memories start to fade away. I'm sure more will come to me as I read other people's experiences.

  • The Missus
    The Missus
    So the girls removed them all disappointed and he put them in his briefcase (never got them back either)......

    You have got to be kidding me

  • oompa

    My counsel went BEYOND counsel....young at the time btw....me and another buddy...both miniservers at the time were planning a big party at a condo clubhouse....oh what a crime (a large gathering!)......all hell broke loose when we were COUNSELED not to go through with it. When we did not abbandon the party plans, the elders actually had a mandatory meeting at the hall of ALL elders and miniservers where the dangers of such a party were pointed out and the consequences of attending were discussed

    At the end, and of course my dad was there.....i raised my hand and (wanted to say THIS IS BULLSHIT!) said that this party was no different that a wedding reception, which are generally LARGE GATHERINGS with music dancing and even booze and that Jesus was at one of these and even though people were probably drunk...he made some good wine out of water for the party goers.......and since i did not see any difference, we were still having the party!!!......and we did....

    and except for one young couple going in the basment and having sex on some exercise equipment, there was no problem at all, and the elders never found out about that but it was quite a sight.....so I pretty much gave them the finger, and they made a lot of noise but did not have the balls to remove either of us as miniservers...............oompa

  • QuestioningEverything

    One time, a pioneer sister came over to visit my mom. I was sitting on the couch reading a National Enquirer magazine that my non JW dad purchased-he loved those type of magazines . When the 'sister' seen it, she went into a rant about how worldly it was and how I shouldn't want to read such filth, how it shouldn't even be in our house, etc... My mom said to her that she didn't have a problem with them. The same sister also counseled my younger sister for wearing a shirt to the KH that had a sailor's anchor on it. WTF!!

  • Robert7
    and except for one young couple going in the basment and having sex on some exercise equipment, there was no problem at all

    Oompa, you are funny!

  • yknot
    So the girls removed them all disappointed and he put them in his briefcase (never got them back either)......
    You have got to be kidding me

    Until this thread I had all but forgotten the incident. I am sure the wound up in the alleged 'bin'..... I will have my BS conductor check tomorrow (his daughter was involved). If we do get them back I wonder in Nazi Elder W will recognize them if worn as bracelets?

  • carla


  • oompa
    and except for one young couple going in the basment and having sex on some exercise equipment, there was no problem at all
    Oompa, you are funny!

    Thanks Rob, but I am not kidding about this one!....The couple btw both looked like models and her a Penthouse Pet and they were recently married and just horndogs!......oompa

    right there on the weight bench...he was standing

  • oompa

    I was talking with my friend JK666...(who i soooo wish could be given his posting privledges back btw....purty please)....about this thread this morning and he told me a whopper of a "counseling"...he know a young man who went to the elders for spanking the monkey....and was PUBLICALLY REPROVED!!! This was loving followed by a talk about the evils of "self abuse!" Can you imagine the emotional damage those bastars caused this guy?.............aholes...........oompa

  • Gregor


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