Only if you are Babylonian or JW or a Biblegod-believer!
Is Jehovah God a God of confusion?
by asilentone 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
No, the idea is just that He's not all-benificent--never was. It was never
that He nurtures people in fair and loving circumstances forever. That idea
wouldn't survive one good look around, in 1,000 BC, the book of Job, now, or later.
Not to judge whether someone needs to be a believer or non-believer, but the
stance against the existence of God on the grounds of it not being an all-
benificent God is a newb argument. A God concept needs to be reconciled with
the real world, including that such a God has us all die and didn't have to
have it that way, to be a credible God concept.On the other hand, the JWs leaders aren't confused any more than Popoff was
about whether or not he had a transmitter in his ear. -
Answer: No, only to those looking for an excuse to disbelieve and mock.
The Masons are the lovers of confusion...
A Latin expression, meaning Order out of Chaos. A motto of the Thirty-third Degree, and having the same allusion as lug e tenebris, which see in this work. The invention of this motto is to be attributed to the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish petite at Charleston, and it is first met with in the Patent of Count de Grasse, dated February 1, 1802. When De Grasse afterward carried the polite over to France and established a Supreme Council there, he changed the motto, and, according to Lenning, Ordo ab hoc, Order out of This, was used by him and his Council in all their documents. If so, it was simply a blunder.
- Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
Worldwide confusion, past, present, future, was/is/will be the work of Satan and his human puppets:
Satanic doctrine teaches that, ultimately, the New World Order can be established in society only after a time of planned, great world turbulence and chaotic disorder. It is this very concept- "order out of chaos"- which is at the foundation of all Masonic doctrine. Significantly, Masonic initiates elevated to the 33 degree are given a "jewel" to wear proudly. This jewel is decorated with the sign of three, interlocked triangles, representing both the unholy trinity and the number 666. The jewel is also inscribed with the Latin inscription "Ordo Ab Chao," interpreted as "Order Out of Chaos."
- Source: Circle of Intrigue (book) by Texe Marrs, pg. 94
The New World Order ((f/k/a the "World Revolution") will be quashed by the PRINCE OF PEACE when He comes.
But how many really care?
1-2-3..... maybe a dozen or so at this forum. -
Most definitely he is. Check Gen 11 and answer this question: Who is responsible for human kind NOT being able to 1) achieve their goals, 2) cooperate easily without interference 3) easily rid free themselves from religious bigotry?
It's a four letter Hebrew.
Borgia -
Is Jehovah God a God of confusion?
Only when he gives the Faithful Slave instructions to pass on to through the pages of the Watchtower and other Watchtower Society publications.
My strongest impression of Jehovah came from the account where the ark of the covenant was being transported and almost fell when the bearers stumbled. Some poor, devout, well meaning subject rushed in and instinctively prevented it from tipping out. He was immediately struck dead by the Big Guy for disobaying the rule not to touch the stupid thing. The Crotchtower always to take Jahs side, said the guy was trying to make a name for himself or some such twisted BS. Eric Von Daniken in the charriotts of the Gods says that happened because the ark of the covenant was a radio transmitter that the Israelites were carrying around and when whats his name grabbed it because it was teetering he got electrocuted. He didnt see or understand the high voltage sign, the lightning bolt on the side. Thats how the Gods, aliens, space men were talking to the Israelites through the radio. It was telling them where to wander in the desert for 40 years. I think that makes more sense than a bipolar god.
When I read the bible and made notes, Then looked back and reflected on what I read. it was just one contradiction and moment of confusion after the other.
So the question is did Jehovah write the bible? Then he would appear to be confused.
Or did a bunch of different man who didnt know each other and didnt know what they were talking about half the time and didnt remember or know what the others wrote write the bible?
Some people say God created man in his immage.
And other people say man created God in his immage.
Either way there is a lot of confusion out there in the world among man, the churches and the bible.
The confusion had to come from someplace.