Is Jehovah God a God of confusion?

by asilentone 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • asilentone
  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Umm yeah

  • frankiespeakin


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    We strictly abstain from blood even if we die........but using blood for fractions is okay! WTF!

  • OnTheWayOut

    The nations shall know that a prophet (class) was among them.
    Well, we never said we were prophets. Okay, well- we never said
    any of our predictions in Jehovah's name. We are spirit-directed,
    not inspired. What's the difference? I will tell you.

    When King David uttered something recorded in the psalms or
    in the book of Samuel, he was inspired to say it. When he murdered,
    adulterated, lied, performed an unauthorized census, had the Ark of
    the Covenant carried in the wrong manner- he was only being spirit
    directed. He was able to resist the direction. Nobody can resist
    inspiration from Jehovah.

    I hope that clears this matter up. Oh, when God gives spirit direction
    to the Governing Body, they can allow their imperfect brains to mislead
    them and vote the wrong way on the matter. That leads to doctrine
    being wrong and needing change later.

  • cameo-d

    Is Jehovah God a God of confusion?

    Well, we have been told that God is not the author of confusion.

    But since the subject of this God seems to be controversial and not true to the nature of a "good" God, then either:

    God is a liar; or

    Jehovah is schizophrenic and we are the ones who have confused things by not understanding this; or

    Jehovah is worshipped as a god, but is not our creator.

  • BizzyBee

    He definitely has issues.

    Like, after He destroys everybody and all the animals in the flood (except Team Noah) , He looks around and says, "I promise I will never do that again." Remorse? Regret? Questioning His own judgement? Conflicted? That right there would qualify Him for major psychoanalysis. He then continues to be a murderous god, using various methods to slaughter His children.

  • Gregor

    My strongest impression of Jehovah came from the account where the ark of the covenant was being transported and almost fell when the bearers stumbled. Some poor, devout, well meaning subject rushed in and instinctively prevented it from tipping out. He was immediately struck dead by the Big Guy for disobaying the rule not to touch the stupid thing. The Crotchtower always to take Jahs side, said the guy was trying to make a name for himself or some such twisted BS.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Only if you are a Jehovahs Witness.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The ideology of a God as being the cause of are reality for better or worse only gets confusing in minds of men that try and utilize that power for themselves

    ie. JWS

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