I invited my jw wife to my "company party"

by kzjw 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • kzjw

    She asked if it was an Xmas party & I told her we won't be singing carols, but it's tied to the holiday. We also celebrate our top employees with an award, the year I won was emotinal for me, but I had no one to share it with, which really sucked! I only asked to see if she'd make the effort...by the way last nited she was watching the xmas episode of a sitcoms, isn't that against the WT rules? Not to mention the fact that it pisses me off because I don't want to have anything to do with xmas this time of year because in theory there's no one to share it with. An I'll be damned if it doesn't seem that xmas always seems to fall on a meeting nite -- that's insult to injury!

    Just needed to vent...

    Anybody got a holiday horror to share?


  • sacolton

    Hmm. I think most JWs privately watch Christmas shows. I know they are doing a Christmas marathon of all the classic Christmas cartoons this month and my wife was watching "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" in bed. Damn it, those born-in JWs were stripped of their childhood! I'm already putting Christmas presents under the tree for my wife and her eyes light up with glee. It's like she's 5 years old. It really warms my heart to see her so happy.

    Horror stories? Well, we bought a new cooktop and it didn't fit into the countertop hole, so I had to make some modifications. Popped it in and hooked up. Works great!

  • Quirky1

    kzjw, I am going to my first company Christmas dinner tonight in 7 years. I also asked my wife to attend and she agreed!! She is going to skip the beating and have a nice dinner out with me and my co-workers. I couldn't beleive my ears when she said yes!! "But" she did mention that she would not be attending my families dinner and not to rub it into her face. I agreed!! Every little bit counts!!

    I hope you the best in your endeavor!!

  • snowbird

    Nothing to share, but here's a sympathetic and empathetic .


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I feel bad for you. I went to many end of year parties by myself and had to catch a Taxi cab home...New Years on your own is boring, and one time I would like to have a Christmas, but I will no doubt be looking for a movie theatre as per normal.

  • Quirky1
    she was watching the xmas episode of a sitcoms, isn't that against the WT rules?

    I just had dinner with some JW's, one of the few that want anything to do with my apostate a$$, a couple of weeks ago and they told me that they had just went to the video store and rented several Christmas movies they wanted to watch.

    Go figure...

  • sacolton

    So, it's okay to view purchase and view pagan entertainment (is that wholesome in Jah's eyes?) ... but just don't do it. Yeah, makes perfect sense.

  • kzjw

    WTF people??!

    I mean if jw's can watch &/or purchase Xmas movies & such, then isn't that celebrating? We went out & bought a an X-Box 360(the $400 one!) along with other toys & shit for the kids & I'm like, "shouldn't the FDS be on a campaign? maybe a talk titled -- "Watch over the flock & their untimely spending in the ides of December"? I know this happens in many jw families, but it smacks of hypocracy...Still bitter about missing the last 14 Xmases -- I wish I could say "X-ma - I mean Christmas" again...


  • Quirky1
    Still bitter about missing the last 14 7 Xmases

    I hear you....

  • seeking help
    seeking help

    i agree and relate with so much of this. I have been to elders houses with copies of "elf" on the table.

    bull s*&^t


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