Blondie------No Christmas Tree at home? Here is one for you.
Are you having a Christmas Tree?
by Barbie Doll 157 Replies latest jw friends
She's not hardcore. She helped decorate it. In fact, we're having a huge Christmas dinner next weekend and she planned and prepared all the festive decorations (red plates, green napkins, etc). She helped hang the Christmas stockings over the fireplace and stuff them with gifts. I just step back and let her have fun.
Barbie Doll
Hope4other---------I got a Tree for you.
Barbie Doll
She helped hang the Christmas stockings over the fireplace and stuff them with gifts. I just step back and let her have fun.
I think that is a good thing. Let her have fun.
That's pretty cool In fact its super awesome...
Thanks for the tree Barbie and the xmas card, got it -
BARBIE DOLL- Mrs. Flipper and I have some nice Christmas lights strung up along our deck overlooking the Sierra mountains on our sliding glass door . Who knows , we might hang decorations on our indoor avocado tree ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Barbie Doll
Flipper-------You have a avocado tree in your house. I would decorate it. You get snow there don't you?
Bumble Bee
I bought a small, 3' potted tree and decorated it with some mini lights and gold balls and bows. In the spring I can plant it in the yard.
barbie doll...
thanks for the cat pics... and thanks for the card.... both made me smile...
a limited resource around here...
Snakes ()
Barbie Doll
Bumble Bee--------Here is a tree for you.