Son of Sam killer David Berkowitz smiled as New York cops led him to jail after killing 6 and injuring 7....the Yorkshire ripper Stuart Sutcliffe claims to be studying with Jehovahs Witnesses in the mental ward prison in Britain. {13 killed and 7 injured} do you think they are genuine or just looking to forgive themselves?
What do you think of Serial killers who find God and repentence?
by Witness 007 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Their repentance may be genuine, but they still must pay the price for their crimes. Let God worry about there souls, their asses belong to the penal system.
I don't think they should be alive long enough to find God and repentence.
Salvation of ones' soul according to a religious framework does not warrant the absolution of actual crimes.
I think these persons have Anti-Social Personality Disorder. That being the case, they are skilled at emitting crocodile tears to fake remorse or any other emotion they think will manipulate others in their favor.
"Finding God" doesn't make them any less of a threat to society.
Even if they are genuine in their "repentance," it's not a matter of simple repentance. They are not incarcerated simply for punishment, they're removed from society because they've demonstrated an ability to act without a conscience. It has nothing to do with who they think rules the universe.
Having found god, I think they should go see him in person as soon as possible.
May be they have been found!!! Maybe they are trying to Con the powers that be... But they cant fool the POWER that IS..... He looks at the heart...
If they are truly found, their conscience will bother them ,so that will be difficult to live with....
But the promise is "Come to me all that are heavily laden & I will give you rest"
Maybe some of them DID go to HIM------