*** Christmas Party thread...Everyone's Invited ***

by FlyingHighNow 272 Replies latest social entertainment

  • FlyingHighNow
  • caliber

    Where do we go from here ? Life is like a family Christmas meal.. all you can do is enjoy" this moment in time"

    for each and every child journeys off into this world of searching dreams. You must let of go all but their hearts !


  • FlyingHighNow

    That is beautiful. Reminds me of the King Family Christmas specials from the 1960's.

  • Finally-Free

    Ahhhh, I'm sitting back, sipping on some absinthe and eating truffles and other goodies given me by my new neighbours. I love this new neighbourhood. Anywhere else I've lived you'd be lucky to get a "hello" from people after 30 years. Here they go door to door with boxes of treats for each other! I'm so unused to this, and completely unprepared to offer anything in return. Going to a friend's place later for a Christmas Eve dinner. Life is good.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Finally Free, I am delighted for you. Tomorrow we shall spend Christmas with a family who pastor a church which hosts the Kids Hope Mentor program for Julian's school. They are lovely people. That Pastor ia an American who grew up in Australia.

  • rekless

    Here's to everybody, Cheers.

    Are we gonna be up all night?

  • FlyingHighNow

    Sure! What do you recommend for entertainment?

  • caliber

    guess who is in the Christmas spirit ?

  • caliber

    fun games

    Here is caliver with Rudolf

  • Quandry

    Thank you Flyinghighnow,

    I accept your invitation. I am really enjoying the party, with all the food, drink, and festive songs. I hope no one minds that I'm in my pajamas for the party. It is so comfy this way!

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