Some here have moved on, some have found new faith and some have haven't. Did you maintain christianity or do you no longer believe?
Life after being a Witness...What are your beliefs now?
by Quirky1 29 Replies latest jw friends
Since leaving I've got no idea.........I do study the scriptures from time to time.....and do a lot of logical critical thinking...........I'm leaning towards spirituality more than organized religion.........I don't think any one or religion has the whole answer........
But I'll go back to I have no flippin idea!!!!
I don't believe in your God, no matter who you are or whether it's a god of your own making or one you've glommed onto from some larger faith tradition.
And so far, I haven't had a need to make up a god for myself; and even if some angst within me told me I needed to get-a-god, I haven't figured out a way to make up a god that is any less lame intellectually than anyone else' god.
I'm an atheist and have no belief in the supernatural. If something comes along that is evidence for the supernatural, I'll be glad to consider it. Religion as a dominate force in history is very interesting to me. Religion as a way of belief personally is not.
I've been taking the time to study science and rational thinking, trying to learn at least a little about this incredible world I live in before I die. Developing a more cohesive and workable philosophy and way of living has also been important for me.
Being an intellectual rebel is very appealing to me.