Looks like things have already been put in place for the New Economy.
Order out of Chaos
by cameo-d 19 Replies latest jw friends
Looks like things have already been put in place for the New Economy.
Order out of Chaos
Ymmm, I'd like to barter with those "Killer" brownies!
The CBS youtube page says:
December 13, 2008
An ancient practice has just received a reboot, as many small business owners have turned to bartering with others in the face of a continuing economic crisis. Jeff Glor reports.
It seems "ancient practices" are coming out of the woodwork left and right. But no surprise bartering will get media's attention as the propaganda mouthpiece of the NWO. Several years ago this research paper pointed out the barter system would make a come back...
It basically compares the false/counterfeit measures that will occur first, with the reality that will come after it... (and you'll have to go to the original page to access all of the footnotes/references):
A. Price/Supply Standardization (Global Central Bank)
B. Merchants of the Earth (World Commerce/European Economic Community)
C. Economic Crisis (Redistribution of Wealth)
A. Buying & Selling (Barter & Exchange System)
B. Gold (Confiscation)
C. Servitude (Socialism)
2-A. BUYING AND SELLING (Barter & Exchange System)
* During the first half of the Tribulation, a counterfeit Antichrist will set up a cashless computer system that is connected with a false mark of the Beast.
* During the Golden Age, the true Antichrist will establish a barter system that requires the true mark of the Beast.
Great Tribulation (beginning): God will cause money to fail, which will force the world onto a cashless system of trade.
* Old Testament Period: King Solomon gave Hiram, King of Tyre, wheat and oil in exchange for trees.
* Church Age: The secret societies are creating a counterfeit Mark of the Beast system and a barter and exchange system.
* Tribulation Period: The secret societies will implement Mondex, the false Mark, for buying and selling in order to facilitate a cashless society. Since Gnostics believe that the money is evil, Mondex will be followed at mid-Tribulation with a barter and exchange system.
* Great Tribulation: Participation in the barter and exchange system will require reception of the real Mark of the Beast in the right hand or forehead.
God will cause money to fail, which will force the world onto a cashless system of trade.
"Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted... Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days." - James 5:1-3
King Solomon gave Hiram, King of Tyre, wheat and oil in exchange for trees.
So Hiram gave Solomon cedar trees and fir trees according to all his desire. And Solomon gave Hiram twenty thousand measures of wheat for food to his household, and twenty measures of pure oil: thus gave Solomon to Hiram year by year.
The European Union already utilizes the Mondex System.
"The European Union is expected to adopt the MONDEX system as their unified currency solution." - 6:2
"Jan 1, 1999: The European Central Bank takes over monetary policy." - 7
The Mondex System incorporates in its transactions the symbol of the six-pointed star. Many scanners are shaped as variations of the six-pointed star.
"All transactions are being made secure by adopting SET Protocols (Secure Electronic Transaction) and will display the SET Mark."-6:2
"Pike explains that the 'Blazing Star in our Lodges...represents Sirius...' Other sources list this Star as the Star of Isis, Star in the East, Star of the Annunciation...Sept, Sihor, Star of the White Spirits, Star of Isis-Sothis, Star of Hathor, Star of Horus, Nile star, Morning Star.. Star of Set... Lucifer, and Set...[God of the underworld]...- 625:52-3
"The blazing star is properly six-pointed..." - 642:79
The secret societies have prepared the final system of barter and exchange.
"Many Church historians...have slandered the Templar Knights, describing them as illiterate. These so-called illiterates used a highly sophisticated secret alphabet to encode their records, invented the earliest form of credit card and were the originator of the banker's cheque or banker's draft." - 266:102
"Certain 'adepts' who are authorities of modern financial matters are preparing the system of barter and exchange." (Alice Bailey) - 1:569
"A very sophisticated form of barter will replace the present economic system." - 426
New Agers are being conditioned to accept a universal barter and exchange system.
"...it was out of necessity, rather than an enjoyable choice that originally forced the Lemurians and other underground dwellers to select to live inside the Earth. By doing so, they also joined and received some assistance from those beings from the Inner Earth who had been living underground for much longer periods time; for some, hundreds of thousands of years, who had vacated the surface to live underground for very similar reasons in other eras of Earth´s history.
"Following the sinking of the continents, people of Earth did not learn their lessons well, and many continued in their ways of darkness, greed, control and warring. When the continent of Atlantis sank under the waves of the Atlantic ocean...
"Inside the Earth, the subterranean people live in houses that seem like very luxurious palaces comparing to ours on the surface. Wealth is unlimited for all. There is no money system, but a very effective barter system. There is no taxation of any kind, no I.R.S., no banking system, no credit card system, no realtors, no mortgage companies, no hospitals, no doctors because no one ever gets sick, no lawyers, no law enforcement officers, no labor unions, no prison nor mental institutions. There are no retirement homes because no one ever gets old, all can maintain perfect health, youth and vitality for thousands of years, until they chose to move into their next calling somewhere else." - 748
"There is a time coming soon where the use of money will no longer be the driving force and foundation of human civilization rather, a world based on the barter system of divine law and the laws of nature will again take hold for all people's to live together in peace and love. True prosperity lies in spiritual growth not in material things." - 749
The first step towards the barter and exchange system will be the movement from a cash-based system to a cashless system of trade. (Debit cards/Credit cards/Smart Cards)
"MONDEX is the company providing this cashless system and has already franchised over 20 major nations. " - 6:2
'This [MONDEX] system was created in 1993 by London bankers Tim Jones and Graham Higgins of NatWest/Coutts, the personal bank of Britain's royal family. Natwest will maintain directorship in [MONDEX's] development and implementation." - 6:2-3
"Other smartcard systems are quickly being put aside in favor of MONDEX, especially since Mastercard bought a 51% stake in the company. Said Robin O'Kelly of MONDEX International, 'With Mastercard's backing, there's nothing to stop MONDEX now from becoming the global standard.'" - 6:2-3
"AT&T/Lucent Technologies purchased the franchise for MONDEX USA" - 6:4
Bartercard will be the second step to a global barter and exchange system.
"Bartercard is a global business-to-business trade exchange that allows business owners to pay for some of their business cash expenses with their own product & service, ranging from printing to advertising or even real estate.
"Basically, Bartercard allows you to purchase needed goods and services with a discount equivalent to your gross margin, giving you greater buying power and the guarantee that you will get new business each time you spend in the Bartercard network.
"Acting as a third party record keeper, Bartercard uses Trade Dollars to monitor the value of transactions. Bartercard's currency of a Trade Dollar is equal to one Dollar for all accounting purposes and the Tax Revenue Department. These trade dollars can be used internationally wherever Bartercard has offices.
"Bartercard members are issued with a plastic card and trade amongst themselves in a sophisticated fully computerized barter system.
"'A Bartercard transaction is as easy to conduct as any other type of credit card transaction.'
"Once you have decided what you wish to buy, simply identify that you wish to pay by Bartercard, then the merchant (selling member) fills out a transaction voucher or may swipe your card through an electronic transfer machine. You then sign the transaction voucher." - 422
The third stage will be the microchip implant, which will be misrepresented by false prophets and teachers as the Mark of the Beast.
"In the coming New World Order system of communistic control there will be no jobs, no food, no homes, no cars, no health care, no retirement benefits, no bank accounts or money without this hightech electronic ID Mark IN YOUR BODY. You'll not be able to function in any respect whatsoever without this world government ID/debit chip in your right hand. Nor will you have any privacy. Individual privacy will be eliminated! Transponder ID/debit chips will not only replace cash, checks and credit cards, they will supplant all existing forms of identification. These biochip implants will become our passports, driver's licenses, health care cards, social security cards, etc. In other words, they will become our UNIVERSAL ID and ATM / DEBIT CHIPS all in one. One World, One Biochip. Presently, AT&T advertises it's new contactless, electronic smart card as, "One World. One Card...
"Could the ID biochip transponder be the MARK OF THE BEAST? I believe so, It is looking more and more like it every day." (Prophezine) - 647
The final stage of the barter system will be implemented via the actual Mark of the Beast tattooed on the forehead or right hand.
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. - Rev. 13:16-18
See: Six-Pointed Star: Tattoos 17.B
The Mark of the Beast: The Six-Pointed Star*
Mark of the Beast ~ Tattoos and Branding*
Designer Marks of the Beast*
You can access all the footnote/references directly on this page: http://watch-unto-prayer.org/notes.html
There's so much more, so much detail... not for the shallow-minded, but all of these articles are definitely fascinating, because if everyone is paying attention, you can see it all shaping up, espcially the socialism factor as mentioned at the top.
More search results at this site re: Barter System:
Side Note/Change of Subject: Further down on the above page the article got into the "kingdom and priests" who rule with God, noting that the modern translations have changed the wording of Rev. 5:9,10, so I checked the NWT and sure enough, theirs is like the others (vs the KJV) so that got me wondering if all this talk in WT mags re: the "elders" being "Princes of Men" or whatever they call them, I was wonderng if they are setting them up as described in this article. See the section right near the bottom of the page, entitled PERVERSIONS (of Bible translations)...
money is dead - long live money
Wow Abbagail!
Interesting and informative as always. Thank you for your contribution.
off to look up some of your suggestions here...
Great, now i'll need a backpack full of brownies to buy a tank of gas. A barrel of brownies to my landloard, every month;)
Ps, wonder if they have those value added, magic bus brownies. They'ld be good for weekends.
Excellent cameo! I wondered if I hadn't already posted that info in the past in some other thread we both had our teeth into, but glad to hear it's all "new news" to you. ;-)
(I'm pretty sure I have posted it somewhere here in the past, but evidently not in one of your threads... usually I slap some of it up whenever the subject of barter/exchange is discussed... always trying to "wake people up." I can't help it. ;-/ )
I visited the website from the CBS news piece, the International Monetary Systems site... they have some cute mottos...
Their whole concept is to help you become a "cashless business."
They also show -- as did the video -- their nice "blue and white" (Masonic/Israel colors) BARTERCARD. (See the info I posted above from Barb's site re: the Bartercard). This IMS is homebased in Wisconsin. I don't see any fishy "logos" on their site, but a site that is one of their associate-barter companies for CORPORATIONS, named: NTA TRADE: http://www.imsbarter.com/nta , well they also have a nice "blue/white" logo with the two pyramids, one facing up, one facing down, the Kaballah's "As Above, So Below" mysticism... and in a circle, no less. Notice how sneaky they do it, too. The first pyramid is stuck in the "A" in NTA, and the second one is stuck in the "T" in NTA. Very clever, don't you think?
Amazing what can be seen if you have the "eyes" for it.
I forgot to mention that bartering has been in my brain since the 1980s as my former Jewish boss (an attorney) would dabble in bartering whenever he had the opportunity, for whatever that's worth.
Does the "magic bus" have a connection to the Beatles and Strawberry Fields Forever?
Seems I remember a big bus in one of their old movies... or maybe that was Yellow Submarine?
Either way, I remember those magic brownies... forget the bus... ;-)
Amazing what can be seen if you have the "eyes" for it.
Yes it is. And that which you choose to see is very revealing about you.
rod, you are always getting your overly sensitive feathers ruffled about things you absolutely have not studied nor read nor researched nor even bothered to seriously look into. You are the one who is seeing things ALL WRONG, and you are reading/imputing erroneous thoughts/motives into the info I have shared here and elsewhere.
When you are ready to do your homework, I'm ready to assist. I can load you up with documentation, or at least point you in the right direction. Until then, you only make yourself look ignorant (meaning "UNAWARE" and as yet "UNINFORMED") on the subjects at hand.
I suggest you start by reading/researching Jewish authors/activists who have also researched these things and who are very aware of how all "regular" Jewish people are being set up for disaster, along with the rest of us Gentiles, minorities, Christians, elderly, handicapped, mentally ill, etc. (Anybody they deem unfit and unworthy is on their "global hit list," so to speak). And how these same bold, brave Jewish people are not sitting around whining like children, the way you are, but are helping to expose the culprits and educate their fellow Jewish brethren and everybody else about what is going on.
In other words, quit sitting on the fence pouting about what you do not understand. Get to work. Educate yourself. Then get on the bandwagon and help wake people up instead of wasting precious time floating around in a dream world that does NOT exist.
Now go to your room and wait until dinner is ready, lol.
rod, you are always getting your overly sensitive feathers ruffled about things you absolutely have not studied nor read nor researched nor even bothered to seriously look into. You are the one who is seeing things ALL WRONG, and you are reading/imputing erroneous thoughts/motives into the info I have shared here and elsewhere.
When you are ready to do your homework, I'm ready to assist. I can load you up with documentation, or at least point you in the right direction. Until then, you only make yourself look ignorant (meaning "UNAWARE" and as yet "UNINFORMED") on the subjects at hand.
I suggest you start by reading/researching Jewish authors/activists who have also researched these things and who are very aware of how all "regular" Jewish people are being set up for disaster, along with the rest of us Gentiles, minorities, Christians, elderly, handicapped, mentally ill, etc. (Anybody they deem unfit and unworthy is on their "global hit list," so to speak). And how these same bold, brave Jewish people are not sitting around whining like children, the way you are, but are helping to expose the culprits and educate their fellow Jewish brethren and everybody else about what is going on.
In other words, quit sitting on the fence pouting about what you do not understand. Get to work. Educate yourself. Then get on the bandwagon and help wake people up instead of wasting precious time floating around in a dream world that does NOT exist.
Now go to your room and wait until dinner is ready, lol.
Excuse me Abbagail, but if you are so damn observant, why did you address me as Rod? The avatar is RoBdar. Notice the B and then the D: RoBdar. Since you cannot even notice the small things, don't come in here telling me what the bigger issues are.
You do not impress me. I think you are a looney tune.