This guy has been a serious JW apologist on youtube for a long time now.
Looks like he has become born again. He's talking on this video about his worry of leaving family.
by digderidoo 22 Replies latest jw friends
This guy has been a serious JW apologist on youtube for a long time now.
Looks like he has become born again. He's talking on this video about his worry of leaving family.
Are you kidding me, that young guy!!! I told him off many a time....maybe I helped de-convert him.
I feel sorry for the lad in some ways obviously he had been mentally indoctrinated as most JWS are and he's young and
most likely going through growing up problems additionally with his religious problems.
Sounds to me all his talking on you-tube with so many viewers flicked on a light somewhere in is brain.
I think he could use some encouragement and support being the age he's in.
Someone tell him to post HERE! I cant get Youtube at work.
I have tried. It's not letting me post a comment for some reason :-/
The poor kid needs to quit trying to do stuff for Jesus and Jehovah and take care of himself.
That's one of the tragedies of being indoctrinated into a religion like JWs. People spend all of their time trying to take care of everyone else and zero time trying to take care of themselves.
Jesus and Jehovah can take care of themselves quite nicely, thank you.
I sent him a message to possibly come here or other support forums, I've talked to him on You-tube a coupe of times.
Now he just needs to let go of the Jesus and he'll truly be free.
WOW !!! I have seen most of his videos and thought he was so brainwashed he would never leave the WTS! I hope he will start looking to this site and others to help him through this. I wonder if he will get rid of his videos defending the WTS...especially the one on disfellowshipping?