Jesus Is Jehovah/Jehovah Is Jesus
by snowbird 328 Replies latest watchtower bible
Cat got your tongue, finally?
I'm answering from page 10 sorry I missed other stuff.
GOrwell - please don't represent me as making a joke of scripture.
[@allelsefails: So when Isaiah 9:6 calls the Messiah the ETERNAL Father, Isaiah was just kind of joking around about that, right?] Jesus "Will be Called" talking about AFTER his birth, life and ressurection. I thought this was an obvious Prophecy about a FUTURE event - did I miss something?
[Or how about Heb 13:8: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever." Sounds pretty eternal to me. How about Heb 7:3: "In being fatherless, motherless, without genealogy, having neither a beginning of days nor an end of life, but having been made like the Son of God, he remains a priest perpetually."]
He is - Eternal - without END - no problem / Heb 13:8 - OK no disgreement from me. / Heb 7:3 - Um... this is about Melchizadek - was he co-eternal with the Father? I missed that one.
Godrulz - I like being atypical - I think typical is stupid. Republicans and Democrats, Catholics and Protestants, Evolutionists and Creationists, People who thought Scotty McCreary should be American Idol. All typical. BOTH sides are dogmatic idiots to me. I like real debate. Real openmindedness.
Terry - I like it - Son of Man why can't that be good enough?
Not the Pauline silliness or the John make believe 70 years later. Just the Mark and Matthew Jesus. "Do the will of the Father and you will be saved" right?
Well all I can say on Psalm 2 is that it reads straight forward to me... and since the creed of Athanasius wasn't endorsed at the time.. I cannot see anything other than Almighty God appointing his King (his own words) on Mount Zion. The same phrasiology is used throughout the Psalms and is cited in the Christian Greek Scriptures.
However, the display of linguistic semantics, intersecting with lexicology, syntax, pragmatics and etymology by supporters of the numerous interpretations of the Trinitarian groups makes interesting reading. I left that confusion when I exited from the Pentecostal Movement, and re-read my Bible.
If Jehovah and Jesus were one and the same, I don't think it would be so encrypted and difficult to justify.
Further, we still have the resurrected and exalted Jesus calling upon his Father and his God in the book of Revelation.
Jesus seems to know who he is. That is all that matters. My view of the Trinity is the same as that of Paul in Galatians 1:8.... It is the other Gospel he warned about.
Love the comments Terry/allelsefails....(fancy a beer or whatever your tipple - sometime?)
Oh Snowbird!! Look what you've done!
Mea Culpa.
Two years ago, I started this to show where my journey of discovery led, resurrected it for another poster, and all Hades broke loose!
Next time, I'll know better.
Yes, Jesus referred to Himself as the Son of Man; I believe He was referencing Daniel chapter 7?
Still, I contend that all the attributes of YHWH are centered in Him. That's the aim of this thread, which should have been entitled Jesus Is YHWH/YHWH Is Jesus.
Jesus seems to know who he is. That is all that matters. My view of the Trinity is the same as that of Paul in Galatians 1:8.... It is the other Gospel he warned about.
To that I will give a hearty AMEN!!!
Thanks all.
Joey Jo-Jo
Good inside into trinity, christian speaks to jw's.
Weird, videos dont show up, just click on the link, first link is a visit from two 'sisters' and the second is a return visit this time with an elder.
The Trinity is not the other gospel of Gal. 1. The context of Gal. 1 is the first century Judaizer heresy which involves faith/works vs grace/faith. It was a soteriological vs Christological issue. Paul was trinitarian. Other heretical gospels included Gnosticism, Doceticism, etc. and include modern groups like JWs and Mormons who deny the triune God and the Deity of Christ in favor of Arianism and polytheism.