Bible atrocities
People of Judah shout and God helps them kill 500,000 people
God slaughters 70 men for looking into the ark
God has the earth swallow people
God drowns almost everyone on earth
God orders and joins in on the genocide of all of Canaan
God threatens people with having to eat their children’s flesh
Sons of Levi are blessed for randomly slaughtering cow worshippers
God kills all the Egyptian babies for Pharaoh’s stubbornness
God allows people to sacrifice their babies to him to teach them a lesson
God kills a man for not impregnating his sister-in-law
God comes out of the sky to kill David’s enemies
God allows babies to be dashed and pregnant women to be ripped open
God threatens to have wild animals carry away the Israelite’s children
God tells people to kill their loved ones if they worship other gods
Bible says beat your child with a rod
Bible says beating and wounding people is good for them
God promises to punish children for their parent’s sin
God terrifies and causes tumors