God is really one very mean dude as the bible tells

by Homerovah the Almighty 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Balsam

    Every time I read this stuff in the bible even as a witness I thought how could a creator be so cruel, and sometimes would ask others what they thought. I realized that other people were concerned about it too, but JW's always put a more interesting spin because they had to believe what the bible said. I know I wasn't the only one bugged about the idea that God was willing to wipe out all of human kind and just save JW's.

    When I went to a Unitarian Church I found they didn't believe literally in the bible, which was so different. They had spirituality without necessarily declaring any particular religious path the one and only. I began to look at the bible from a different perspective. Events where people were affected by floods, plagues, disasters and how humans attributed these events to God. Either God was angry, or God was punishing, or God was giving victory. Human perspectives to explain what they thought were divine judgments that were nothing more than events that science can explain now days.

    There is nothing divine about human stories trying to explain what their God is all about. Especially where there is no compelling prove that God did anything in particular. These events were written sometimes hundreds of years of story telling. I know it shocking to wake up from the JW brain washing and suddenly having to be able to think about all this. But it is good you are.


  • steve2

    The Bible has it wrong: Man makes "God" in his (man's) image". There it is in a nutshell. God is a human creation who mirrors the current ethos. The further back in time you trek, the more of an animal God is: murderous and vengeful. The more recently you look, the less animalistic and more capable of reasoning God seems to be.

  • cawshun

    Steve 2, I like your explanation, I see it the same way, the bible was written in the middle east and the middle eastern people still mirror a lot of what was first written, especially in their treatment of women, beheading ( like they wrote about John the Baptist). Sounds to me like those people wrote the bible.

    I never understood when it is said, " God is Love" and then read the OT and I have to ask, where was God's love?

    The cruelties in the OT where explained to me from a JW that God had to act in a harsh way because the human race was running amuck and were disobeying God. The only way they would learn God's lesson was by God's rath. hmmmm, If parents used those tatics to raise out children it would be child abuse.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Good point Steve2 , and yes It could be said that god's son Jesus was indeed a nicer dude

  • jaguarbass

    That is the God that man created in mans immage.

    He needs rehab and therapy.

  • Homerovah the Almighty

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