Memorial Thread for "The 144,000 of JWD"

by cameo-d 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Thanks to Mary for designing the "No Fornication" card......probably the funniest thing I have ever seen here!

  • wobble

    All of the above plus------ Mary for her posts and especially for her Project!!!!

    Please all come over to JWN !



  • mouthy

    TREVOR!!!! For getting all your knickers in a twist. And showing me which of you on here had a forgiving spirit

    Englishman!!! Who I loved...He was d/f from the site.I think
    Gadget.....Who proved to me he was not invisable & just an e-mail, travelled across the sea to see me
    And of course Simon for being the creator of this the "family room"

  • Mary

    After Grace's thread, I feel it only right to tell everyone: I'm really Trevor.


  • undercover

    hillary-step and Farkel...

    I know sometimes people were put off by their frankness, for lack of a better word, but as a lurking JW who was questioning and doubting when I first came here, reading their posts helped me to discover the art of critical thinking, something that JWs never develop.

  • mouthy

    altThat why I love Mary....She must have grown a nose SOOOO Long....I am SURE! she would never been taken for Trevor....He is a street preacher now.... She is a great Teacher now!!! Her "book"has been flying off my shelf.
    At the support group Sat. There was a man who,s daughter is studying. He took one. & I have had a call from a Pilot who is wants one badly... All the rest have been placed. I suggest we send one to Bethel... It would sell real good there ,it could be Titled" Mary's Missile"


  • snowbird

    I agree with the opening post about Gopher.

    There really should be an award given to him for his service on JWD.


  • minimus

    Stilla, that's a very interesting perspective. I think you're right.

    This "Memorial Thread" gives me the creeps. We aren't dead yet. Like Elijah, we will be "transferred" elsewhere, a "better dwelling place".

  • Mazzie Brossmann
    Mazzie Brossmann

    Can anyone find a link to the "No Fornication Card"? I never saw that...

  • steve2

    Blondie is tops in my estimation. While I admire Barbara Anderson's scholarly expose and keen intelligence, it has been Blondie's calm, steady presence that has helped focus many discussions. I like Blondie's ability to back up her statements with relevant quotes and her thoughtful regard for others.

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