Not afraid anymore and it feels great

by mac n cheese 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • mac n cheese
    mac n cheese

    I guess I should mention my/our status these days first:

    I've posted sporadically here, but have been a voracious reader of all of your wonderful posts. Spouse and I are almost inactive now. We do not attend meetings, except every once in awhile to turn in fake time reports. Spouse still is waiting for very active JW mom who lives nearby to die and that's why we're turning in those stupid time reports. Sometimes I think she will live another 10 years and I don't know how much longer I can take it. I'm making very good progress with spouse, albeit slow. I'm hoping that we'll be fully inactive by next year, since more and more spouse disregards what JW mom/parents say and is refusing to compromise principles for some stupid JW "rules". Spouse even directly made a stand against mother and the response was shocked disbelief. I'm just glad I got to see it happen. Baby steps are good.

    Anyway, it feels good to basically be myself after all these years. I can go to work, go to birthday parties, celebrate any holiday I choose. While at first I was terrified of telling people at work about my recent religious status, once the dam broke and everyone was so supportive, I now have no fear of it all or even of "wordly" people. I was in fear, fear, fear of everyone and everything in the congregation, which is what drove most of my compliance with my JW upbringing. I pioneered and did everything else, being so afraid of what the organization would do to me if I didn't comply with everything the WT says.

    Well, no more. So now, I REALLY want to put up a Xmas tree, lights, and have parties. Our neighbors are out in the cold weather, sharing cups of coffee and helping each other put up their lights. They have even offered to put ours up for us, since we "don't seem to have the time". I politely declined and thanked them very much. Even though we live far away from the hall, all it takes is one JW working our street to turn us in.

    But the good news is, I don't care anymore. I'm NOT afraid. Spouse, on the other hand, is still afraid...but I can't believe the progress that has been made. I guess I'm still afraid of what spouse thinks, but I can live with that.

    Once again everyone, thank you for your great advice and examples on how to handle a very embedded spouse. I look forward to supplying my name, telling my story in great detail, and even posting a few good photos of myself (and spouse!).

    Hope is everything.

  • purplesofa


    Have a great Christmas!


  • Trying2understand

    I am so Happy for you and your wife. Enjoy your new life... Happy Holidays!!!

  • orangefatcat

    That is wonderful news. Yes right now it is baby steps. Yes putting outside lights up might just get you in a tad of difficultly with the elders and having parties and fun is great and what they don't know won't kill them.

    Just think though when the two of you are completely out and you can put up a ton of lights and have a grand time without being in fear. And isn't it true that FEAR is the very TOOL the WTS counts on to keep JW's in line. That is why disfellowshipping will never cease to exist as it is their one line to keep the witnesses in tow.

    The next TOOL is GUILT and they are experts at making witnesses feel guilty for everything, you don't get out in the service enough you don't get to the meetings even if your deadly ill, your made to feel guilting if you aren't prepared for meetings, Your made to feel guilty if you don't get to book study, your guilty if you don't pray enough. Everytbing is a mind game to the elders and the organization. They have catch phrases to make you feel like a heel. they know what buttons to push they've been doing for over 125 years. And there is no longer any human feelings of love for one another, everyone can't wait to get home from the meetings , service, studies. Like really who wants to go to all those meetings and service. The witnesses have virtually no life. They are not to have fun if they do they will get a stern lecture from the CD or the CO. It is not a happy organization of people anymore. Oh they say they are, but ask them to search deeply into their hearts and I just bet they would find most don't want to be witnesses.

    Their other TOOL is CONTROL, this is where you are reeled in your used as bait you can't think for yourself any longer, you must adjust your mind set to that of the WTS and the GB. Remember they say they are God's spirited channel for directing JW/s. in this day and age, My how they presume so much. Where does Jesus and the Holy Spirit come into the picture. Slowly over time you don't even know it but they have got you hook line and sinker and you don't even know it. Your not allowed to think for yourself you can't do research over and above the WTS literature and even then it is somewhat limited. You are to follow the directions of the faithful and discreet slave. You can't think they make errors as they are God's prophets on earth. Heaven help us if they make another prediction of the worlds end. They have enough egg on their face already.

    I really beleive that the WTS is not really run by the GB anymore. I believe it is run by younger men and that the whole format of the WTS is run by legal eagles and that the selling off of property in Brooklyn is to help pay for millions of dollars in lawsuits. They honestly belief that we are their enemies but we are not they are their own worst enemy. They will crumble under their own feet as it were. How can they honestly fool God and think they can get away with it. How can everyone of JW's be duped into believing that they alone have sole rights to eternal life and no other persons on this planet are worthy. Give me a break.

    You have no reason to FEAR because you know that they are no different from anyone else in fact they are worse because they kept their secrets hidden hoping they would just go away. I don't think so. They got caught with their hands in the cookie jar just too many times lately and it is going to be their own downfall. Apostates have nothing to do with their own failure as a religous organizaton who has failed its people with lies, hypocrisy, and other terrible atrocities. Apostates didn't do what they have done we only showed people with honest hearts that the WTS doesn't have the true faith and that they blame everyone else for their mistakes and think they are above the law, as they are finding out it isn't all that easy anymore.


  • Newborn

    Thanks for sharing.

    I'm so happy for you. Go Mc n Cheese Go!

    Your friend


  • BabaYaga

    Wow! Well isn't this wonderful news! Keep up the great work with your new life...


  • happy1975

    Hi MNC,

    Your story is a lot like mine. I'm also a seldom poster and rabid reader of this board. My mother in law (a faithful JW) passed away over the summer and it's given us so much more freedom. Put lights on the house for the first time this year!!! Just waiting for someone to see them and turn us in. The thing is, I don't care anymore!! Enjoy your newfound freedom, I know I am.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Good for you !!!

    Isn't it wonderful to slowly begin to know freedom from such fear ?

    I am amazed to look back at how much time I wasted being afraid of what others thought or could possibly do to me . My husband is alot like your wife ,but I see him coming around very slowly . This year I put a small tree up and have bought gifts ,and even put a few lights up outside .He just shakes his head ,but I think inside he is kind of liking it .

    Good luck to you and Merry Christmas mac n cheese .

  • mrsjones5

    Freedom...ain't it cool

  • OnTheWayOut

    Great post. Whatever your progress toward totally putting them behind you,
    the most important thing is that there is SOME progress. That is awesome.

    I had much support from co-workers and non-JW family. That always helps.
    It is totally awesome, also, that you have neighbor support. Take some baby
    steps. Lights on the outside of the home might be too much right now, but
    nothing prevents you from some basic stuff inside the house or some
    "winter" decorations outside your home. Give it some discussion if that helps
    you feel more free from WTS.


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