disfellowshipping - what would happen? listen to my hypothetical scenario

by DaCheech 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DaCheech

    my point is this:

    a df'd person has probably no chance in hell to talk to relatives that are brainwashed.....

    but being really hurt, and having their god taken away, this might be a way for these to get their god back.

    personally, if my religion takes my children away: I am f***ckd!

  • Honesty
    Honesty, for some jws, doctrine is not important to them, just the social aspect and many have too many social contacts that they feel they can't give up or replace elsewhere.

    So they would live a lie just to have social contacts. That's really sad when one can't be true to themselves. <---------------- "Dons flame retardent suit of armor and gets fire extinguisher"

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    Others have managed to get their cards out of the cong. files and then they don't exist anymore.

    I believe there are congregation secretaries out there that would hand you your publisher cards if you slipped them some green, if you wanted them that badly...

  • bonnzo

    you can't ever get baptized tho', unless you had a fake name. it would raise a red flag. i know personally of a brother who CLAIMED to not know he was df'd. he had moved far away from home, publisher card somehow got lost, had new one made up, married, wife a long time reg. pioneer. somehow a distant relative got in touch with elder in his hall, they made a few phone calls, found out he was df'd. when confronted, he CLAIMED he didn't know. the elders did not read a letter to new cong. since one had been read years ago, but made him act as df'd and tell anyone who approached that he was df'd. if i did not know him personally and an elder with a big mouth who admitted this(since we both worked with this guy occasionally was his reason), i would not believe it. the guy got reinstated in about a year and moved away.

  • bonnzo

    p.s he was not, in this case at least, a pedophile.

  • oompa

    what a bunch of crap...or carp...bonnzo..pm me who the hell that is........this whole hypothetical scenario...just makes me puke....................oompa

  • Balsam

    Self righteous family members are always eager to drop a dime on ones who try to get away with this. Unless you dont' have any family to tattle on you. The publisher cards are not computerized and are only retained in the congregation you were at.

    I can't imagine why you would want to do this but it could be done so long as you kept it as a brand new publisher. If your out go forget the JW it is a cult and you don't need that constant brain washing. I've lost part of my family because of disf'ing but hey I didn't need them anyway. I know its not easy to begin with but it gets easier.


  • hamsterbait


    Bring it on...

    A witless said to me that the confidential references were intended to stop DF ones from moving and posing as Dubs.

    1: Why would anybody want to do that??? (NUT JOB!!)

    2: Where did "Wait for the Angels to take action" go??? Jehovah knows everthing don't he??

    3: Why is it that Adulterors and bigamists and Homosexuals in new relation ships are quoted in the ltterature as being "found out" yet the PEDOS move on and on and on after every child rape and never get found out for twenty five or thirty years??

    But then read the account where Moses insisted that little female children be kept for the sexual gratification of Hebrew soldiers....... maybe this don't bother the Big HIm too much huh?


  • Purza

    In my opinion, it would be better to get reinstated and then walk away on your own terms. At least then your family and (so called) friends could speak/associate with you.


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