disfellowshipping - what would happen? listen to my hypothetical scenario

by DaCheech 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DaCheech

    lets say you get disfellowshipped.

    then move 1000 or more miles away.

    how would the elders find out if you're df'd if you do the following:

    go to a local kingdom hall, ask for a bible study..... when asked for name change the first name slightly, then get re-baptized 4-6 months later.

    do elders run your name through a list? I don't think so!

    you would be a witness in mgood standing, just don't tell about your previous location details!

  • sacolton

    This process works for pedophiles.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    I heard a story just recently where a couple did exactly as you proposed. Its a small world in the JWs. Less than 6 degrees of separation.

    Somehow they got caught..I forget how now.... but they were announced DF at their new congo.

    My question is: why would you want to?

    Snakes ()

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Good point....but you would get busted at the District or Inernational Conventions....you need plastic surgery.

  • OnTheWayOut

    While I don't know of anyone that did that, it certainly would work for pedophiles.
    You would not have to fake a name or anything. You would just have to pretend
    you were never a JW before. The publisher's card means everything to these guys.

    If you have a publisher's card in some congregation's file, that congregation is
    responsible to keep you in line or kick you out. If they move the card to another
    congregation, they are no longer responsible for you. But they don't have any
    legal authority whatsoever. They cannot verify that you gave them accurate information
    on your publisher's card or that you never had a publisher's card before. It's not
    like they ask for ID or birth certificates or the like.

    Similar, but in reverse:

    I recently met a lady who left the organization over 20 years ago. She and her husband
    were in one congregation and informed the elders that they were moving to another
    location. They were about ready to stop going to any meetings, but he still had
    position in this current cong. and they asked where he was going. He said they were
    probably going to join a foreign language cong. and gave a vague location in another
    state. They gave him their publishers' cards and told him to transfer them himself.
    They never went to another Kingdom Hall and never turned in those cards. As far as
    WTS and their previous cong. were concerned, they didn't exist or were someone else's
    problems. Others have managed to get their cards out of the cong. files and then they
    don't exist anymore.

  • blondie

    You would be surprised how small the WTS world is...............

    I have run into jws that recognized me but I didn't know them in 10 different states.

    A df'd jw moved to a midwestern state and posed as a non-jw, studied, was baptized and then a jw from his old circuit moved in and recognized him.

    A df'd sister moved halfway across the world, posed as another person (middle name, maiden name), studied, was getting married, and who showed up but an elder from her old congregation visiting his ex-brother-in-law................

  • Honesty

    Why would anyone in their right mind try to get back in when they're already free of them?

  • blondie

    Honesty, for some jws, doctrine is not important to them, just the social aspect and many have too many social contacts that they feel they can't give up or replace elsewhere.

  • DaCheech
    Why would anyone in their right mind try to get back in when they're already free of them?

    because some get df'd while still believing.... and getting df'd could couse them to commit suicide

  • sammielee24

    That poses a few questions.

    First - why would you want to go back if you were disfellowshipped and the blinders removed from your eyes?

    Second - if your reason is family and shunning, then they would know because you have to have your reinstatement announced in the kingdom hall you were df'd in. That means that if your family or friends are still in that hall, they will know and the JW gossip mill will spread the word around.

    If you just want to go back because you miss the hall and love the organization, then by all means go and take a book study, get rebaptized and use any name you want. I can't see why it wouldn't work..you can always feign confusion if someone comes up and calls you by your old name. sammieswife.

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