I was watching the History channel today. Thay said there 6 billion+ people at present on the earth and growing. They also said that the earth is only capable of supporting 8 billion people. The JW claim that ever one who died before the big A will be reserected during the 1000 years after, This is about 20 billion people. It seas that the JW will feed cloth and house all these people in there teachings. How are they going to do this. Do the JW claim that all amunals will be reserected also. What a lovely paradise with 40 billion rats running around.
How are they going to do it.
by is there help out there 11 Replies latest jw friends
WTF Animals are gonna be resurrected.
Will Hitler, Saddam, George Bush and Rutherford be resurrected?mtsgrad
How are they going to do this.
Same way everything else will get done - a miracle from Jah.
Any problem that conflicts with the laws of physics, or known history, or just plain common sense, the answer is always the same: "Trust in Jehovah!"
The WTS does not teach that animals will be resurected. Only 20 billion or so humans.
Jah made the ark thingy work..
Expect headlines like "JWs, first to inhabit mars. Next flight on the jahjag at 17h00"
I think the JW's blew the Armegeddon call in 76.
But just for shxts and giggles.
If there was a God and he wanted to bring everyone back.
He could bring them back and then send them to other planets.
Or he could more efficiently utilize and manage the earth.
When you start speculating on what God would do.
You cant go by what man knows.
Man doesnt know how to create life, or bring life back from the dead.
So it seems there would be laws involved that we do not understand or are aware of.
Having said that, I have more faith in pigs flying than the JW's interpretation of Armegeddon.
Because they are already 32 years late.
I think something like that would be more precise.
Helplessoutthere....this is just too easy...god is a vicious human killer...remember how zillions will be whisked away by Satan when he is released at the end of the thousand years??....geeze like the sands of the sea!!!....that is a frikken lot of people....more than has ever lived actually......so don't worry...plenty of room on earth after all.........oompa
Mormons I've Liked in Field Service?
I love it. Is that part of your exit story from your cult? Fratranizing with the "enemy" in the field?
I actually looked forward to when you guys would start working the other side of the street from us. Misery likes company I guess.
NO kidding??!!! I was just thinking about that: when I was "pIONEERing" ["indefinite mission" you might say] I once started down a street. Soon a pair of Mormons showed up and took the other side. The "territory" (those that were at home) must have hated us that day
Man: how did that happen? I was over in the Mormon thread, my screen went wacko; when I came back, I finished my post and looked up to see it is in the Ressurection thread
Pardon Me