i wish they were mandatory...but know that is stupid since guys could be girls...and girls could be guys...and you could be born in 1967 or 1997.....but cmon!...give a little bit of info...just be a bit honest...i just wish everyone would post an honest profile that would not incriminate themselves as a jw....if at all possible...anybody else feel like this?.............oompa
personal profiles here..and on jwn in the future...
by oompa 23 Replies latest jw friends
"anybody else feel like this?.............oompa"............No..I hope that helps....................... ...OUTLAW
Thanks Outlaw...now i know it is more important than ever!....lol.........oomps
I dont think its going to happen.
I have found in the past that many you think are guys are girls and vice versa.
And those from the more exotic locations on the globe are from Hoboken.
My profile is real.
I've been out since 83, all my family are out.
My wifes family still is half in.
Personal profiles are not guaranteed to be accurate (and, in fact I recommend revealing as little as possible unless you want Brother Hounder to easily guess who you are).
I think it should be voluntary. Many people come here who don't want to make a big revelation because of farmily and friends that are still jws. Even still, on any DB, it is good to use discretion because you have no idea who is posting here. Take time to sound out and sort out.
It is my opinion based on my personal experience of moderating this site and the statistics / profiles of each voter type (democrats tending to be better educated).
I removed my profile back in June when this post was made. I was offended when I realized someone would read profiles as a way to measure people's intelligence.
I have read very few profiles and I would never try to think the person who wrote it is black or white, from California or Boston, intelligent or unintelligent or democrat or republican.
Ok ok...I'll come clean...
I'm really not Humphrey Bogart and I don't live in Morocco...
Alright oompa I'm going to come clean. I'm really a 60 year old black woman from the West Indies. My favorite band is actually the Carpenters. And I'm a midget. It feels good to finally tell the truth. I just hope Brother Hounder doesn't get me now!