So you've got a family member that's a he/she, huh?
Another One Bites the Dust!
by Dino 18 Replies latest jw friends
Being a he/she increases your chances of getting a date on Friday nights.
Speaking about getting dates, Sacolton, check out oompa's thread about posting in his sleep and my reply!
Thats good news! I am wondering why you can't give the gender of this person since he/she already da'd themselves?
Hey all!
purplesofa, that Skallygirl really used to wreak havoc in those chat rooms didnt she? She has been a dear friend for many years now. Skallywagger takes the fight right to the WT in whatever capacity she can! So good to have you with us and I have always enjoyed your posts.
WTwizard, sacolton, and JimmyPage, thanks very much for your kindness.
Mini, you old dog! Long time no talk to. He is my sister-in-law! Makes family reunions fun. In fact, we put the fun in disfunctional! Actually she is my cousin and had pioneered on and off for years. She was a real Watchtower thumper!
Thanks iceguy, she was a little gunshy about me making the announcement here publicly.
Hopefully more to come soon.
Nathan Natas
Thanks Nate!
I hope that you are doing well these days.
!!!!!!!!!! D I N O !!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so pleased to hear this news. I don't get the chance to read this forum as much as I used to. Didn't even see this thread til I skimmed thru archived pages.
Yea, my old hostile SELF has becaome a bit calmer these days. When you realize you gave your SELF up, even as an ex jw, for these filthy men in the wt, you must take stock in your life. As I've been doing these past months.
What's funny is I even had a glimpse of forgiveness for my mom recently. It faded, yet still hovers about in my heart. {Saw someone said recently how it is hard to forgive when they are still dripping with blood, in other words}
Dino, I hope you two reconnect in many special ways. I know now my mom is a WATCHTOWER LIFER. Nothing or anyone will change that. Only she has the power to her own destiny. I've spent too many years and tears on trying. And my own daughter has paid a price as well. For her, I had to step off the intensity of it all. Thank the Lowered, I did it just in time. I almost lost her, entirely.
!!! LESLIE !!!
At least I rescued you from the dreaded JUDGE JUDY DRYSDALE!!!! Remember when I told her I was JARACZ in a private message? HAHA I had her sold for so long. She was a hoot to play with. Then I sighed one of the pm's with 'PB'. She was livid. lolololol Those were the good ole days of chat.
I'm so glad you made your way out lady. There were others from there too, that came here yet do not post any longer. Denny and DeeDee. Hope they are well. I think sunnygal was from there too.
Anyway, hope you are all well and good.
Glad I saw this thread.
I love you Dino and hope one day to meet many of you.
Farewell, sKallyWagger
Hi sKally dearest!
Thanks so much for your kind words.
It's been too long since we have talked. I hope that you and yours are doing very well.
I love you too!!!!