The announcement is in the local newspaper. I'm sure "The Friends" know the rules and were informed.
"In Lieu of Flowers, Contributions Can Be Made To The______KH of JWs"
by minimus 14 Replies latest jw friends
yadda yadda 2
Yes, I think that is just the pits. All bow and sacrifice to the Watchtower idol, even when you want to give flowers to the family of someone who died. Disgusting organisation.
Especially since the people with their hands out are the ones looking down on him for committing suicide! sick
no more kool aid
We have had several suicides in our area over the last few years. One service was at the Kingdom Hall (?) and the others were at the funeral home because of the sin of suicide. Why can't these close minded idiots realize that depression can be fatal just like other diseases. Anyway I hate when I am told how to respond with sympathy. I usually respond with practical things like food, gift cert for grocery or offer to put up out of town family. Never a donation to cong, even when I was "in".
Hey, I knew of a guy that committed suicide and one elder on the body of elders wanted to disfellowship him AFTER he was dead!
I guess if that happened, they wouldn't worry about an appeal.