The future of the Watchtower

by Exterminator 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Exterminator

    What are your thoughts on the Watchtower's future?

    Here's my guess: they will move away from the increasingly embarrassing dates of 1914 and 1919, rather stressing the "success" of their organization as credentials. There will be even more emphasis on the concept of God's organization.

    The result will be total sclerosis, for God's organization cannot err nor be reformed by men. What made that religion so exciting to millions decades ago will be gone: the dates, the grand fullfilment of prophecies, the urgency of the times. All that will be left is an increasingly boring, rigid, empty, cult.

    Eventually, the biggest threat to God's organization will be competition. Another Charles Russell will rise somewhere, with fresh dates and bold claims. Perhaps, the Watchtower will be to him what Second Adventism was to the previous Russell. Like all other Russells before him, he will condemn the corruption of all established churches (including the Watchtower) qualifying them as "Babylon the Great".

    The new Russell will set up free congregations of free Christians, drawing greater numbers of excited disciples. Intoxicated by his success, it will not be long before he starts to feel that God's blessing is upon his newly-established organization.

    And God will have a new organization, as he regularly does.

  • moshe

    Mormons have their temples and secret rituals and family ties to fall back on when logic tells them their religion is a sham. JW's have only their WT rag to feed their pathetic delusions that they are God's only chosen religion and the rest of us are just vulture food after the battle of Armageddon. The core group of JW's will never admit defeat just as the Russellites still attempt to follow their founder, Charles T Russell.

  • Exterminator

    Sure, the organization will probably remain, at least for some time, but its lifeblood will be gone.

    Most religions on earth are ghostly remnants of their dynamic and reformist past.

    In this one, the concept of a faithful "remnant" might be given more prominence in the future.

  • Farkel


    Your avatar looks strangely familiar. Were you ever in San Diego, say around 1930 or so? Does the address 4440 Braeburn ring a bell? Did you boink Bonnie Boyd in your spare time? Do you fill beer steins with whiskey and call it a "shot" of whiskey?

    Just curious. I think you resemble my Daddy.


  • StAnn

    The last remaining Shakers are still holding on. I'm sure there will always be WTS adherents, no matter what.


  • leavingwt

    If they ditch 1914, they will cease to exist. Everything about them being so darn special hinges on that date. 1914 justifies their "different" Gospel and their obsession with the Last Days, it gives them the urgency.

  • Honesty

    Pretty soon it's all going to be about supporting 'Christ's brothers' (Gibbering Buddy) and JW's attitude towards them.

  • jaguarbass

    What are your thoughts on the Watchtower's future?

    As America goes so goes the wactower.

    Shaky times at the moment.

    Everybody and everything has to reinvent themselves.

  • justhuman

    I would say it is dark...they have no increase in the past years, several doctrinal changes, that changed compelely the WT in the past 15 years, the GB is even stressing more the Organizational Concept and this results to turn way from Christ even more. I recall when I got baptized in 1984 I was baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. A year after they change the oath to "God's Spirit directed Organization".

    In the Western world they have dicrease, internet, the multitude of Books that you can find against WT is a negative factor. If someone come to my door and gives me a relegious book, I will go to the internet and check this out...Technology has so much advantages now that it is very hard times for cults to prosper.

    WT leadership is traped to their past doctrines that they cannot escape. Maybe a schisma, or another brakethrough branch will come up. It happened in 1919 when Booze Jo took over command and separated JW's from Bible Students. We know that there are about 20 movements that broke way from the original WT. Again the same happened in the great apostasy of the late 70's. I believe that another brake through will happen soon. At this momment we have active JW's that they are asking for reform and those JW's have websides accusing openly the GB for corruption and hypocrisy because they are stack to wrong dates(607-1914)

    As time goes more JW's will question the WT's doctrines and they will ask for reform. That is why the GB is introducing more strict policy in their followers. Free expression and thought is being replaced by Organizational commants. History proved that Totalitarian regimes have colapsed because you can't go on forever supressing people's freedom WT leaders they know that they have an expire date, so they are tying to get as much more cash they can get...

  • WTWizard

    I have already noticed the change. Back in the late 1980s, my former congregation had numerous people getting baptized. A sizable minority of them were baptized during the 1980s. I was one of 8 that got baptized at the same a$$embly, and there were two more that got baptized in the previous a$$embly, just in my former congregation. And the message was rather brisk, albeit having took all my time and was crap.

    These days, it is normal to go through an a$$embly with maybe 3 or 4 getting baptized for the whole thing (and most of them are children under 18, still with their parents). The message is quite a bit less brisk. True, they still waste all your time. But, there is no excitement any more. They didn't get excited during the last waste of paper distribution campaign. They had pxxx poor results in the REJECT Jesus waste of paper distribution campaign for 2008. Almost no one seems to know what they believe, since it changes almost every boasting session. Even the "generation" is dead--there will always be those presuming to be among the 144,000 even though there were way more than that in the first century alone.

    By contrast, the "secret society" I joined is much more about making things happen. The "enemy" is not the public or those exposing them. It is the few that are actively preventing anyone, members or not, from making any changes that mean anything. And you do not have to be a member of that "secret society" to be looked up at (anyone that does not intentionally destroy value and impede progress, and there are only extremely few that do, is accepted).

    In fact, their growth is more likely to come because of exposure of the Establishments as corrupt. It is going to be because people are getting sick of living in the 1950s when it comes to transportation, medical progress, and everything except the communications and computer industries. They are getting sick of having someone telling them what to think, say, and do. They are getting sick of working to earn money only to have the government take it away to redistribute it to those too lazy to work. They are getting sick of religions that claim to have all the answers, pray to some God, and then wait on Him to do it for them. And even then, the excitement is not the growth but the hope that they can alter the course of mankind and unseat people from power that want to destroy progress.

    It is going to be miserably difficult for damaging cults and high-control groups to gain members. All they can do is clamp down on existing members. All the while, those "secret societies" that seek to open society up to progress will grow as dissenters find nothing to bash them about and no weaknesses to ruin them. As will groups that are more mainstream--I wonder how quickly MySpace has grown (that site wasn't even around before the 1990s, and now it has more than 200 million members). Other similar sites like Facebook and YouTube also have many millions of members despite being around for a short time.

    Down with cults that cannot be fully integrated in honesty! Down with religions that seek to quarantine themselves because opposers can find logical grounds to attack! Down with groups that alter their beliefs to react to dissention, even tampering with their own Bible so they can produce fake authority! Only those that can take the heat of outside criticism are going to have a chance.

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