The people that are in are not thinking about it as much as we are. If I mention a specific problem to my Mom she just says" I don't know, I just keep going". They are just drones they don't want to loose their family or they are held hostage to doctrine like never seeing their loved ones again unless they comply. If I would not have gotten out now while my kids are relatively young, I too, would be a lifer, to avoid being shunned by them. I see it going on and on.
The future of the Watchtower
by Exterminator 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's so hard to predict because JWism doesn't exist in a vacuum, and world events could affect the WTS as much as anybody else. A recent study indicated that there's a strong likelihood of a bio or nuclear terrorist attack on the U.S. sometime between now and 2013. Although I certainly don't wish it upon them, what if it happened in Brooklyn and wiped the GB? Game over for JWism, but also perhaps so disruptive and devastating that JWism will be the last thing on any of our minds from that point onward. Morbid, I know; welcome to my world.
You've also got the prospect of a failed Obama presidency, with Sarah Palin waiting in the wings; in that case we'd be in full-tilt fascist mode in the U.S., but I think JWism would survive this situation, at least until it came to its bitter end as all fascist movements do. Who knows what would come after. It won't be pretty.
100 years from now? They'll be forgotten by all but a few. How that will come about is anybody's guess, but as of 2008 they are utterly irrelevant and increasingly petrified with each passing year.
Not all christian churches do so ! Satan is seated in most churches as God . And that is one of the signs of the endtime.
Go to and try to locate how you can listen to Open Forum by Harold Camping .
If you read my posts I am making an exception proving with the end timetable Jehovah's Witnesses are and their predecessors the International Bible Students were the only religious organizations approved of God of the Bible.
Read Matthew 7.22-23 : " Many will say to me in that day,Lord,Lord,have we not prophesied in thy name ? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works ?
.. And I will profess unto them ,I never knew you : depart from me ,ye that work iniquity . "
Who are these people ,then, who worked miracles and yet will be rejected ?!
Jehovah's Witnesses are the best religious organization approved of God of the Bible . They are qualified to proclaim the Good News to the whole world.
It is easy to learn it is so , should you only compare some latest predictions made with the one for 2011 AD.
Go to alt.religion.jehovahs-witn and study my posts and my predictions. You should read also how Harold Camping came to the same date 2011 AD by going to
He is the best Bible preacher on radio decisively . If you don't agree quote me another preacher from radio and tell me in which he is surpassing Camping.
Note that I consider Harold Camping as my best opponent . And I am listening to his Open Forum programs very often . Right now I have his Open Forum running from audio cassette while I am writing this posts.
Get his publication : " We Are Almost There " by calling 1-800-543-1495 .
Mr. Kim
Bottom line it for all of you: Down the tubes for the R&F Watchtower folks. The "truth" however, will live on until the end. Slow process but the outcome is obvious.
The new Russell? Keep your eye on Greg Stafford...look him up...he appears to believe most of what the watchtower teaches, but dislikes the org.
I am making an exception proving with the end timetable Jehovah's Witnesses are and their predecessors the International Bible Students were the only religious organizations approved of God of the Bible.
My Dear Dear Obves......
Do you also include the SDAs?....... it is where we got 1914 from...... what about the Millerites they preceed both the SDAs and us?
Jehovah God approved only one....... as far as Christianity goes.... HIS SON!
Why not focus on the Gospels and givings one life over to following the Lamb and not the end is nigh. We have two sackclothed Witnesses to yet see in Jerusalem. They will preach for 3.5 years, many will come into the their actions (and the actions of others encouraged by their appearance).
I loved ((( LOVED))) the preaching work.....but we as a Organization faltered a long time ago. We venerated men who represented an organization and the organization itself..... deflecting devotion to our King and Savior... thus ignoring Jehovah's arrangement. The organization is a corporate entity, and like all corporate entity its first priority is to stay open. From there money, the root of all evil corrupted along with power and influence.
We have made disciples of a corporation more then Christ. If Christ had wanted that kind of organization Obves.....he could have easily 'fixed' the Pharisees.
1914 came from 1874 which went back to 1844........ and back to the mass printing of the Bible for the common folk.
We are to not forsake 'fellowship'......this doesn't mean to create a formal organization, but for us not to isolate ourselves..... for when we do we become fanatical and begin to seek followers of ourselves (doctrines) and not our Master....... we who accept Christ are all his slaves. The ending verses of Matt 24 are part of a larger set of parables designed to make us search our own hearts and actions.... to keep us on a path of brotherhood and not one of seeking self-glory. Christ yoke was simple and light.
The attention span of an end-times religion is incredibly short in terms of human history. It's hard to believe now, but the Christadelphians were once an active, passionate organization, with proponents in almost every town and city. Now, you're lucky to find a few people scattered about who subscribe to this dying organization.
This remind sus that every new religion that comes screaming onto the world scene and succeeds in catching (some) people's attention has but a brief heyday - and then it dribbles to its own slow, dreary end.
The earliest signs of the Watchtower's decline in the West were first noticeable in the mid-1960s - but the decline was briefly and dramatically reversed by the Watchtower's exploitative speculation about 1975. As we know, since then, JWs growth in the west has been sporadic, with occasional big increases and, especially since the 1990s, continuous years of stagnation and decline.
Whatever the future of the Watchtower Society, it will never again have the (relative) hold on Western countries' attention the way it did in earlier decades.
Newer religions have displaced the Watchtower's ascendancy, the way the Mormons and 7th-Day Adventists ascendancy had been each in turn been replaced.
OBVES...I will kindly ask you to read the following verse at least 3 times a day for at least 6 months, pray to Jesus to give you understanding by the guidance of the Holy Spirit:
It is on the Gospel of Luke chapter 21 verse 8(KJV): 8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
It is the closer version I found that is closer to the Original Hellenic Text, that clearly Jesus states "me ipagete opiso afton" do not go after them...So who are those that Jesus Christ said that we must NOT GO AFTER THEM? He clearly said for those who will come in His name and WILL claim THAT THE END IS NEAR....
So is it SO HARD FOR ANYONE to understand this CLEAR statement of Jesus? I guess it is, that is why we have so many groups at the Protestand movement like Mormons, Watchtower, Seventh Day Adventists(just to name a few from the multitude of the thousands of Protestand groups that exist) who are repeating the same mistake over and over again....that they KNOW that the end is near...
So who will you follow OBVES...Jesus or your misguided undestanding????
The choise is yours.........