Just to let everyone on here who knows my dad, that he is seriously ill, and unfortunately on life support. He has renal and respiratory failure as a result of the quickest onset of pneumonia I have ever seen... it came on in the early hours of this morning. He is waiting for an intensive care bed but the nearest one is 200 miles away. Therefore he is still in a Priority booth at Accident and Emergency. The prognosis is not good. I just thought you would like to know, and can send healing vibes, good thoughts, etc etc, whatever it is you have done in the past that I know has strengthened him. Tried to get in contact with my witness sis via mutual "friends" and after that experience I have never been more sure that Jehovah's Witnesses are CUNTS. That's all for now. Will update when I know anything. Best wishes, Faundy. xx
by faundy 86 Replies latest jw friends
This is sad news. We'll be thinking of you and Dansk.
Prayers sent.
sorry to hear that the turns been for the worse.
I will be thinking of him, you, and Claire.
Sorry to hear that.....(hugs) sammieswife.
I'm so sorry. Ian is a good soul and I wished I knew him in person. Please just make him well.
UnConfused -
Wow, it's odd. I was at work doing demos and I stood in front of some Dansk brand serving dishes all day on Wednesday. So I thought of him all day and wondered how he is doing. I don't think it was a coincidence. I felt a very strong sense of connection. I hope he will recover. I am sorry the witnesses have been such jack asses to you.
My thoughts are with you guys...
Let him know, if you can, that we're thinking of him.
compound complex
Dear Faundy,
Wishing you and yours the best at this difficult time. Please remember us to your dad, telling him, too, that we've missed him.
Good thoughts and vibes are going your way .
He's been on my mind. Sorry to hear this; I'll be hoping for the best. Please keep us posted.