I have a candle lit for Dansk, and am sending positive thoughts his way. What a sweet man he is.
by faundy 86 Replies latest jw friends
Ian please fight it and get well!
Did Ian have the flu/pneumonia shot?
My daughter's FIL has had pneumonia 3 times in the last 6 months this time he is not doing so well as he also has emphesema .....what kind of crazy pneumonias are going around?
Sending prayers and strength your way and Ian..please do it again!...Get well..Claire needs you!...
And we miss you...
Big hug from Snoozy...
I'm so sorry. I have such a soft spot for Dansk-ok, I am halfway in love with the man. I hope he gets some good care really soon, and may every JW who disses that good man rot in whatever version of hell they buy into.
Ian and claire have been on my mind lately alot. I was stunned to see this.
Please whisper in his ear, or yell it, that he is so loved!!
My thoughts go out to your whole family!!
I have lit a candle for him!
Ian is a genuinely nice sort of a guy, i really hope things turn out for the best. Please send our best wishes!
Faundy..You tell your Dad,Outlaw is thinking of him..And..Give him a hug for me.................
Sorry to hear your dads not well - thinking of you all and hoping he pulls through. Keep strong and stay positive! G x
love to you all. I'm glad they found a bed in ICU and he didn't have to move.
When I mailed our Christmas card to Ian and Claire, recently, I wondered how he was doing. I've been thinking about him this week too. I am so sorry to hear he is not doing well.
Its strange that you tell us about your dad, I have been thinking about him several times this past week. His name just kept coming into my mind as I hadn't seen him post in a while. I am so sorry he is in such critical condtion. You most assuredly have my prayers for your father and your whole family. I know what you are going through and I truly feel your fear and uncertainty at this time. Not knowing what will happen is very difficult .
I don't know if you believe in God or not, but if I could make a suggestion, most hospitals have chapels and they generally are equipped with a prayer box, you just put your name on it and the name of the one who is ill and then when the minister comes to the chapel he says prayers on behalf of the persons name mentioned on the paper. You and your mom could even say a prayer or meditate in the chapel. It will make you feel better. Trust me it will. Also there is where you can cry to relieve the pressure.
Be courageous, you will have to be strong, I will pray that God gives you the strength you need. Try not to be overwhelmed as it is so easy to become that way. sometimes just going to a quiet room which most hospitals have and sit and get b ack to your center of balance and remain peacefully calm, I know it will be hard but you have to try sweetie. I will be difficutl. Your mom needs you too. Your father is a fighter, I hope that he will pull through for all of you. We all love Ian very much. A lot of good thoughts, vibes, prayers, will help.
May I suggest that you take God's hand and let him carry you through this trialsome and difficult time.
Please keep us updated. God's blessings to all of you.