Police Get The Wrong House In Galveston, Assault 12-Year old girl

by Elsewhere 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage

    I know there are good cops and we do need them.

    That being said it has always appeared to me that police, ambulance, and firefighting professions often draw the same type of person.

    You can recognize them by looking at their vehicles.

    You will find bumper stickers all over their trucks that let you know what they do for a living.

    Slogans like "we rush in when others run away". That kind of thing.

    Many of them want so badly to be heroes, perhaps to make up for the fact that they know they're really idiots.

  • hillbilly

    Slogans like "we rush in when others run away". That kind of thing. JP

    the police and fire business tried to cash in on the 9-11 thing.

    Yea.... most everyone in the profession would do the same thing... but the bumper stickers almost insult the guys who gave all.

    Most policemen would rather be Andy ... or even Barney


  • VM44


    William S. Helfand

    Born: August 25, 1962, in Chicago

    Admitted to bar: 1987, Texas; 1988, U.S. District Courts for Texas, Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western; 1989, Illinois; 1990, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth and Sixth Circuits. United States Supreme Court.

    Education: Tulane University of Louisiana (B.A., 1984; J.D., cum laude, 1987).

    Member: Moot Court; The Association of Trial Lawyers of America Trial Team; chief justice, Honor Board; Air Lifeline; Houston, American and Federal Bar Associations; State Bar of Texas; Bar Association of the Fifth Federal Circuit.

  • wednesday

    Some weird stuff does happen. About 20 yrs ago I stepped out my door to go to my car. I lived in a quiet old residential area. It was dark. I started to open my door and someone grabbed me by the arm forced me to the back end of my car. I could not see anyone, expect some vague outlines. What I did see was a circle of what appeared to be men- at least 6-8. They started questioning me regarding a car parked across the street from me- who did it belong to? I think someone identified them self as a police officer, hard to recall now. I could not have seen a badge in the dark and what hey did what just plain wrong. I was frightened but answered their questions . ( good training from jws) Eventually I was mad and told them that a police officer should not scare a private citizen. When they got their answers they left as fast as they had appeared. I never told anyone about this as I was young and foolhardy. I strongly suspected it was what we now call ICE.

  • BurnTheShips
    Police Get The Wrong House In Galveston, Allegedly Assault 12-Year-Old Girl

    This is what happens when supposed officers of the peace act like an occupation force. And, essentially, that is what a large part of the nation's police force has been doing for some time.


  • Snoozy

    That's terrible!

    But cops are long from perfect..I found that out when I first started working after leaving the JW's.

    Working with fine jewelry I got to know several policemen that moonlighted as security guards in the store. Their favorite thing to do was look at the tapes from the camera they had hidden in the fitting room (Ladies).then they would joke about it. I quit trying on clothes there after that..

    They also liked to go to parties and smoke pot and even selling it. One time I went to a restaurant /bar around the corner from work to pick up dinner ..the two undercover cops (who also worked at our store) for the city were sitting there eating and drinking beer..I asked them if they were still on duty and they said yes!

    Before I finally left I found out at least a 4th of the cops did that..plus more..like beating up on people and shooting out business windows...

    And we are talking county..not city...I was glad when I moved far, far away!

    They really do protect their own...

    Snoozy..who remembers and has respect for the good ones!

  • beksbks

    There was a drug bust gone wrong where I used to live. They got the wrong house, and shot a little boy dead. My daughter went to school with his older brother.

    Hill you seem to be leaning toward my own idea of what this world needs. Cops on the corner, in the neighborhood, not being tough, being a friend to the community, and a role model for the kids. Not some unknown enemy.

  • sandy

    I agree that a lot of cops are just thugs with legal power. In my job I talk to cops and detectives almost everyday and many of them do seem to be idiots. The good ones seem to be few and far between.

    I used to live a few houses away from a drug house. It was so obvious these people were dealing. The sad thing is I was afraid to call the police and file a report. Why? Because I saw two cops visit that house on a regular basis and they seemed pretty friendly with the residents. I though maybe it was part of their investigation but the house was never raided. That went on for at least the two years I lived in the neighborhood.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I get that cops can make a mistake,which they clearly did in this case (several of them frankly). But WHY compound that mistake and charge the girl for "assaulting" police officers?

    Sorry but the officers involved should lose their jobs. And I hope that girl gets a boat load of money. I'm no fan of lawyers, but she deserves something (an apology would be a good start) besides the back of the police department's hand.

    "They acted appropriately"? Please. Just sickening.

  • Elsewhere
    I used to live a few houses away from a drug house. It was so obvious these people were dealing. The sad thing is I was afraid to call the police and file a report. Why? Because I saw two cops visit that house on a regular basis and they seemed pretty friendly with the residents. I though maybe it was part of their investigation but the house was never raided. That went on for at least the two years I lived in the neighborhood.

    Cops only bust the dealers who aren't paying bribes to them.

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