The real reason? They're cheap! How many times have you heard a Witness say, "I am so glad we don't have to do the holidays. Do you know how much money it costs to buy all those gifts? How do worldly people afford it?"
The REAL reason JWs want nothing to do with Xmas
by JimmyPage 14 Replies latest jw friends
The real reason? They're cheap! How many times have you heard a Witness say, "I am so glad we don't have to do the holidays. Do you know how much money it costs to buy all those gifts? How do worldly people afford it?"
And further more, if JW's spent money on Christmas, how could they afford to go to three assemblies per year?
My wife came from a large Italian family with 8 children.
And I have heard her parents comment on how they saved money by joining the Kingdumb hall.
Then it snowballs from there.
I know how worldly people can afford it. First, they don't have to waste gas on field circus all the time. They do not have high dry cleaning bills (except professionals in decent paying jobs that have to wear suits for work). They do not have to waste the money going to the Grand Boasting Session. They don't get hounded to donate anything to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. And, they can work late on Tuesday and Thursday evenings without worrying about the boasting session.
I always loved their saying they gave gifts at other times.
I can count on one finger when a jw gave me a wrapped gift over the last 50 years.
White Dove
Guess what. Non-JW's also give gifts at other times of the year, so JW's are still screwed when it comes to receiving a comparable amount of love and attention from others.
Witness 007
Instead of "Christmas day" they should have "Witness Day" and give gifts and decorate a clothes horse with glitter....have some drinks give some gifts!
I always loved their saying they gave gifts at other times.
I can count on one finger when a jw gave me a wrapped gift over the last 50 years.
My wife is an exception to that. She gives gifts, often wrapped. She recognizes
that it is hypocritical to say "We can give gifts anytime" unless you do so.
I have learned from her example, and try to give more often.JW's don't celebrate XMAS to alienate the children at school and the adult JW's
at work and to isolate all of them from non-JW family. -
Mickey mouse
I always loved their saying they gave gifts at other times. I can count on one finger when a jw gave me a wrapped gift over the last 50 years.
You got that right!
If JW's celebrated Xmas, how would they drive the drones out door to door over the holidays if they were preoccupied with eating turkey/buying gifts? Besides, it's just too much fun.
no more kool aid
As an above poster already said, I can't count the money I have saved "not" being a JW. I have been able to work more. We live in a semi rural area, no more endless trips to KH and pointless trips out in service. Also I was constantly running out to get some one a new sport coat or new dress pants, shoes, it was endless trying to keep kids in dress clothes 4 times a week and school clothes. We bought many gifts when we were in. You know the deal, someone is getting married or having a baby and they have showers where the entire circuit is invited. Problem is, I never got a gift (or a thank you note) back. You are right many are very cheap and always talk about how much they save at holidays.