Born again JW's?

by free2beme 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • seek2find

    NowImfree, I also had a dream experience, actually more than one. But one was the most impressive. I learned the truth about the "truth" in 1995-1996 and like you considered doing, I stayed in for the next 13 years and was finialy dis-fellowshipped for apostasy in March of this year. About the year 2000 I had the most intense dream I had ever had. At the time I didn't know what it meant. Now I know very clearly. I have a Christian friend that I've been studying the Bible with for about 3 years (He's never been a witness). Well in March of this year, one Friday morning at the end of our study by phone, I mentioned this dream I had had back in 2000 and how something that had been going on recently had got me to thinking about it. Within an hour of our phone call and elder stops by my place of work and invites me to go to coffee with him and as a result of our conversation that day, a judicial committee was formed and I was disfellowshipped. It would be hard to describe the dream in the post here, but I have no doubt it was of Divine origin. seek2find

  • seek2find

    A scripture for sspo: John 12:39,40 (NIV) "For this reason they could not believe, because, as Isaiah says elsewhere: "He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn--and I would heal them."

  • eyeslice

    Personally, I believe that life should be a spiritual journey of discovery and a search for a truth that perhaps we can never really find. I would find the dogmatic certainty of being 'born again' far too like the dogmatic approach of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I have to admit though that I really do love the book A Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan as recommended 'quitelyleaving'. It is a book about facing up to religious uncertainty and weakness in what is sometime an overwhelming journey that we call life.

  • mouthy

    Mouthy, god luv ya, Thanks HE does!!!Sorry if I offended you. Let us agree to disagree O.K?

    Wendy you said it so well. I have lost three in death,,, I am looking forward to the reunion....

  • Sunspot

    I don't feel as if I traded one set of "pie in the sky" beliefs when leaving the WTS' idea of earthly paradise for the heavenly one. When I left the WTS I did not leave my spirituality behind (as the WTS teaches we have left God himself) and I didn't automatically become a Christian either.

    I was disgusted and disappointed in the WTS and I knew in my gut that there had to be something better. I just didn't know WHAT.....but too many scriptures rang true for them to be lies.

    I had been skeptically reading the testimonies of Christians online, and figured they were nuts and/or fanatics.....but then too many of these testimonies all seemed to have one main thread running through them....and this intrigued me. I admired their assuring tone and found myself fondly wishing I had that kind of faith to rely on. Mine had taken a real beating because of the exposure of the WTS, but it was still there somewhere.

    One night a few years ago, I was reading a website that I now believe I was led by Jesus to find (after ALL, his voice had successfully led me OUT of the WTS)....and I admitted I was a sinner in dire need of direction and mercy....asked Jesus to come into my heart and my life....and IMMEDIATELY there was SUCH a calming peace that came over me like a huge fuzzy warm blanket wrapped around me. I had never experienced anything like this before in my life, even in 30 years as "one of the happiest people on earth" as a JW.

    Since then, scriptures have taken on new meaning, ones I have read hundreds of times before as a leaped off the pages at me with a new understanding, and so many things made sense...that did not do so before.

    I do attend a lovely country church up the road from me when I am able to, a very family and community oriented church with warm and terrific people. The sermons are uplifting and thoughtful and the Pastor is a gentle and humble man, but I can honestly say that I don't "HAVE" a religion other than Christianity.

    I feel that "religion/faith" is a purely personal thing between you and Christ, and NO organization will help you to be found any more "worthy" simply because of belonging TO it. It all boils down to what YOU do and how YOU behave with the information and the truths you absorb and act on.

    Due to my bringing my family into the WTS, we have been shredded and torn to bits over who is "in" the WTS and who has left by DFing or DAing....and those that never were baptized but were at different stages on "progressing TO WTS baptism"....we were a real mess. Since I put my heart in Jesus' care and keeping, our family has made wonderful forgiveness and love. Strong differences just seemed to vanish.

    I can SEE the hand of Jesus in how this has all come about....some very insurmountable hurdles have been swept away and we are FINALLY getting together (with the exception of one JW) at holidays and birthdays and the 4th of July party we have every year, etc. Things I never thought I'd see in my lifetime have all taken place just in these last few years. I just cannot chalk it up to "coincidence".

    When Jesus touches your know it. There is no mistake.....and then too, I look forward to whatever he has in store for me.



  • poppers

    From mouthy:

    Sorry if I offended you.

    Don't worry, you didn't. All I'm saying is step back from belief and see what life is like. See if there is separation between "you" and "God", see if there is suspicion, see if there is enmity with others, see if there is fear; see if there is peace, see if there is wholeness.

  • Zico

    It's definitely not an equivalent. Born agains can live more happy and fulfilled lives than JWs can. They can go to college, pursue more advanced and challenging careers, travel the world, celebrate holidays, befriend non-born agains, or maintain relationships with family and friends that leave their religion, and most will never have someone criticising them for doing so. Yeah, like JWs they expect to earn a life better than this one, but on the most part, unlike JWs, their beliefs do not prevent them enjoying this life to the full.

  • mouthy

    All I'm saying is step back from belief and see what life is like.

    ROTFL!!!!!! I am 81+ If YOU dont think I havent experienced LIFE your out of it..... I have stepped WAY BACK!!!! I done it all. ( or nearly all) except dope !!!!
    I know with out a shadow of a doubt that this old world had a Creator.. I prefer to view HIM as Jesus Christ...I suggest you take a few steps FORWARD ,or maybe just get on your knees & invite that Creator to reveal himself to you....You wont regret it.

  • mouthy

    Poppers I just read your bio below

    Biography...Never been a jw never will be. Meditated for 30 years and gave that up when I came to realize that all there is is "now", and anything that takes you away from that takes you away from what you really are.
    Now I can understand where your coming from all that meditation, took over your brain just like the WT took over mine. But I am FREE from HAVING to listen to ANY man(((HUG)))
  • free2beme

    I am not trying to offend anyone here, but even with the points shared; I still se what I said to be the case. You left the religion and took one thought and replaced it with another. I guess I would be more willing to accept people who went in to a less "overly zealous" religious form, that was not as hard to swallow as the born again stuff. My sister is attending a local Christian church now, and used to be a Witness. She does not use any of that annoying language and phrases and just seems more down to earth. Which is what I kind of would expect from a person who left the religion, which is to see the nonesense in such comments and hard line of thinking. The only people I have ever known, who said they talked to Christ ... were nuts. I mean it, stone cold nut balls. So to then back down and say it is spoken too, when read in the Bible, does that mean God speak to you when he talks about murders, and killing people too? Anyway, the thing is, it seems so plain and simple to me to see that the born again and ultra Christian thinking, that I see in some former Witnesses, is a replacement for the Witness mind set and I am so glad every day; I never fell in to that trap and hope those who did, break free of it one day. Although, I do understand, when you have fewer days ahead then behind ... what ever makes your mind feel good, go for it.

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