Atheism as a psychological phenomenon.

by BurnTheShips 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamilcarr
    Presumably that which does not belong to this domain would likely not be testable under it's rubric.

    A statement which makes any contention on your opening article senseless (as atheism doesn't belong to the natural domain)?

    (According to Gould, the magisterium of science deals with the empirical realm. So, the definition only stands as long as religion doesn't make any empirical claims)

  • BurnTheShips
    A statement which makes any contention on your opening article senseless (as atheism doesn't belong to the natural domain)?

    Belief and it's opposite belong in the natural domain if we treat them as psychological phenomena, but could it be that the object of belief does not? Also, part of my point was to approach atheism from a materialist perspective, and consider it in that way.


  • hamilcarr

    Burn go back and live a life time in biblical times or Medieval times and then come back and draw a conclusion on whether man has made improvements

    to the human experience or not ?

    Religion has dived and caused great harm to humanity on so many levels, one god fighting another god, one man fighting the many gods.

    I think there's more to medieval suffering than only religious bigotry. Religion, as any strong ideology including the passionate lack of any religious belief, i.e. (militant) atheism, has been abused to fit political schemes throughout history. A weak theology may be less violent than a strong atheism though.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty
    That the seats in the movie theater are more comfortable there is no doubt, that the airconditioning has improved is also true, however, has the movie gotten any better? Are our lives more satisfying or meaningful?

    Yes much more satisfying than the past but that doesn't mean the movie shouldn't be improved on, its the extrinsic zeal to make an improvement that is of importance

    for us and are future generations that will follow.

    Some religionists such as the JWS on the other hand say JUST WAIT , that to me just shouts nothing but selfish short slightness, that has detrimental effects !

  • IP_SEC

    Freud? WTF? LOL. Either there is a reason to believe or not. I see no reason to believe in any god other than me. I therefore believe in no god but me. (psychology=mostly BS) good luck to all you figments of my imagination.

  • steve2

    So, the nub of the discussion seems to be as follows: There are various factors that account for belief in athiesm, just as there are various factors that account for belief in (mono) theism.

  • Satanus


    In most cases, it's a mislabel to call atheism a belief. It's more nonbelief, than belief. But of course, many christian apologists like to label it a belief in an attempt at placing atheists in the same religious playing field as themselves. That gives them some kind of imaginary footing to challenge atheism. In reality, in most cases, there is nothing for believers to challenge. About all they can do is threaten.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Perhaps atheism has developed from man making an analytical study of where spiritualism has derived itself from,

    Also to mention that not one single man has since cultivated a speck of power since the intervention of atheistic thought from its rooted beginnings.

  • BurnTheShips
    Also to mention that not one single man has since cultivated a speck of power since the intervention of atheistic thought from its rooted beginnings.

    Atheists killed and tortured members of my family in the name of their explicitly atheistic political movement, so no, you are not quite correct. If those in power believe "religion is the opium of the people" and a threat to their ushering in a "rationalist" utopia, then an "antinarcotics squad" can be powerful indeed.

    Any ideology has and can be used for power. So I reject this assertion of yours.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty
    Atheists killed and tortured members of my family in the name of their explicitly atheistic political movement

    ? Care to elaborate on that ?

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