But Lacan's "God," or "Father," is a placeholder to which the speaking subject of relates out of symbolical necessity -- neither "something" (an object) or "someone" (a subject) "out there".Using the following quote, Vitz apparently hints at a similar conclusion:
Psychoanalysis, which has taught us the intimate connection between the father complex and belief in God, has shown us that the personal God is logically nothing but an exalted father, and daily demonstrates to us how youthful persons lose their religious belief as soon as the authority of the father breaks down (Leonardo da Vinci, 1910, 1947 p. 98).Of course, he doesn't want to conclude that both theism and atheism (in their radicality) are psychological phenomena.
Atheism as a psychological phenomenon.
by BurnTheShips 105 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Reminds me of this scene from fight club for some reason...
Burn...several weeks ago I found a peice about how liberals may have certain mental issues.
You are brave...H*****er, "Rise and Fall..." quotes and now this... all in the same week.
Got Nomex?
Strangely this reminded me of Oscar Wilde's famous verses:
Yet each man kills the thing he loves
By each let this be heard,
Some do it with a bitter look,
Some with a flattering word,
The coward does it with a kiss,
The brave man with a sword!Some kill their love when they are young,
And some when they are old;
Some strangle with the hands of Lust,
Some with the hands of Gold:
The kindest use a knife, because
The dead so soon grow cold.Some love too little, some too long,
Some sell, and others buy;
Some do the deed with many tears,
And some without a sigh:
For each man kills the thing he loves,
Yet each man does not die.
There may be just as many ways to "kill the Father".The parable of the two sons (usually mistitled "the prodigal son") in the Gospel of Luke also comes to mind. One anticipates the death of the father and his subsequent legacy through obedience and work, with the perspective of reward (cf. Hegel's master/slave relationship, which, incidentally, was another major inspiration to Lacan); the other anticipates the death of the father by acting as if he were already dead, by claiming his share of inheritance right now. This might provide another interesting typology for both "theism" and "atheism" (religious or symbolical) as psychological postures...
John Doe
Also, the increase in atheism in the West in recent decades seems to me to coincide closely with the outbreak of single-parent families, especially those where a father is not present or at least not around much.
Hmm, what else does it coincide with? Increased literacy, increased education, increased access to information, increased access to different world views, etc.
Also, the increase in atheism in the West in recent decades seems to me to coincide closely with the outbreak of single-parent families, especially those where a father is not present or at least not around much.
Hmm, what else does it coincide with? Increased literacy, increased education, increased access to information, increased access to different world views, etc.LOL
*popcorn anyone*
>>>Also, the increase in atheism in the West in recent decades seems to me to coincide closely with the outbreak of single-parent families, especially those where a father is not present or at least not around much.<<<<
Logical fallacy, bad correlation. You could chalk that up to a # of things. Plus, there are TONS of single full-time dads. I am one. My daughters Mom has seen her a grand total of 10 days in the last year. Us single dads just tend to fly under the radar. It's kind of like Breast cancer vs. Prostate cancer. The latter kills far more men every year than breast cancer does women. But gets less attention and far less funding. -
Hi Avi!! You are a great Dad. Your child is blessed.
Now, can't you turn that microscope in the original post of this thread right back on religion?
I'm on the fence. If there is something out there, none of us have found it yet.
I don't believe in Santa Claus either. I had an abusive grandfather with a white beard and a big belly, therefore Santa cannot exist!