ex-JW Community Not An Activist Community?

by mikepence 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    Thanks waiting - I think I will put you in charge of fund-raising, LOL.

  • Abaddon

    I think some very good points have been raised in this thread. Simon especially encapsulated some of the thoughts I had had.

    We have been in a cult. Trying to organise us is like trying to herd cats. And anyone trying to herd these cats will be perceived by many of the cats as a dog.

    Although we are not all after the same results, there are common goals. Most of us would like to see the end of the WTBTS or to succeed in getting as many active JW's as possible aware of some of the home truths they need to know before they can break away. However, some of us have diametric differences of opinion, that mean whilst we'd both like to see the Borg go down, one of us might want people to then go and get saved, and the other would want people to then go to College, for example.

    So we have lots of different armies of cats being herded by dogs, who all want the Borg to go down.

    Is it any wonder we have problems organising things?

    Add to that the constraints of time, money, or emotional willpower (as getting out of a cult is an exercise in willpower, as is normalising), and half of each of the armies are actually not there.

    The likelihood of an multi-partate organised xJW network existing is a slim one. It would be great, but we have more tribes than the Afghanis, and look at the problems they have there.

    If it happended, it would be great, but would, to an extent, shoot itself in the foot, as it would become the Great Apostate in the eyes of faithfull JW's.

    Perhaps the multi-pronged attacks, although diffuse, are better by nature of their insidiousnes.

    Time will tell. But one thing is essential.


    The minute we do that, and start argueing about who has the moral highground, is the minute Brooklyn start laughing.

    No one has really made such an attempt to claim a moral highground here, but it's a close thing.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Nannygoat


    My previous post was not meant as an attack. If you feel it was, my apologies. Anyone who knows me, knows I would not attack anyone else on this board. (I'm horrified of killing spiders, trust me...I'm not attacking you!)

    The point was simply to show you (by your own post) that it seems you are trying to talk up the troops to get organized against the WTS. If that's the case...face it...MANY OF US HAVE OUR OWN AGENDA. And it's not to get organized on this board into a strategy group against the WTS. If some are interested in that, I'm sure they will contact you privately. But doing so on this forum will probably not lend you much support. You're talking to the wrong crowd.


  • larc


    I also did not mean to rain on your parade with my comments. I think your idea has merit, but you need to draw on about a dozen people who are committed to spend large amounts of time on this. In the mean time, I see this board as a very good way for us to share ideas, drafts of letters, and strategy. As far letters go, I think a letter written by one person with suggestions from others is better than a letter written by a committee of 12. Also, I think numerous letters coming from all over the world are better than one letter from a group with a name and an official letter head.

    Mike, if you want to proceed, you might want to contact BRCI. They successfully organized about 20 years ago and have done good work. You can reach them at 1-800-why-1914.

  • SEAKEN2001


    until your last post I was getting pissed off with your lack of sense. I usually try to be of few words and I tend to just shrug my e-shoulders and just move on. But you are using tactics used by so many cult leaders to guilt people into action. Your suggestion that tose of us who don't share your passion for action against the WTS are not being "honest" with ourselves is heavy-handed and raises the cackels. Can't you just accept that this is not an organized "community" and search elsewhere for the memebership for your cause.

    That's what I was going to say. <g> But now I see that you have admitted that you are learning. Ahh, aren't we all.

    I would ask you (and all the others who are working to bring the WTS to it's downfall): How has the exposing of the WTS that you have personally experienced affected you on a personal level? Where you glad to find out that everything you had beleived in was a farce? Did that increase your trust in humans? in God? in anything? Even if you have managed to recover some sense of balance in your life what makes you think that others will be as strong? Are you willing to tear down the beliefs of others simply to prove to all you know that you were right about their precious "Society"? Will you be there to provide them the psychological therapy they may need to recover in their own lives?

    If I were you, I would think about what kind of commitment your are willing to make personally to help these people you plan on seperating from their religion. What will you replace the missing bricks with?


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