Can loving/giving too much ruin a relationship?

by mtsgrad 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    Loving and giving is not the problem, unless it is not sincere, but a tool. It's the indifference and the taking that can be a problem. I am a giver, my ex was a taker.

    My fiance is such a lover and a giver, I can hardly keep up with him. It's fun. And makes for a very cozy relationship. Most of the best giving has nothing to do with a thing, or money. Simple things you do for each other every day, that show you are really thinking of your partner.

  • Elsewhere

    Absolutely. Women want to work for a man's attention. If she gets it for free she will not respect you.

  • yknot
    Absolutely. Women want to work for a man's attention. If she gets it for free she will not respect you.


    We do not want to work for a man's attention........! ! ! ! ! !

    Careful there you could easily slip off the slope and into "Treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen"..... which is cruel, wrong and domineering.

    Only women look good in dominatrix costumes

    Many women seek male approval and guidance...... you can argue Genesis or Evolution either way having our male lovers approval and feeling he desire us creates a chemical reaction in our brains that make us feel warm and content......

    But it is not choosen..... rather seemingly imposed.

    MTSgrad..... many women desire for the men in their lives to be the "man" in the relationship. A man seeks comfort from women and women love to give comfort.....abundantly......... but he also is expected to kill bugs, take out the trash and do the lawn.... and to have a level of non-reliance on us.... A man needs to know how to balance his own life before he seeks to find a woman to share it with.

  • Elsewhere

    I'm just speaking from experience.

    Of the women I've dated, the ones that got a lot of attention always took off on short order.

    One actually took off to be with a guy who treated her like crap. I learned a lot from that experience.

  • jaguarbass

    If you love someone to much and give too much and dont realize your not getting anything back, you may be in for a rude awakening.

    And you may ruin the relationship by trying to be too controlling and manipulative by all your giving and loving.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Absolutely. Women want to work for a man's attention. If she gets it for free she will not respect you.

    Lovable, but still clueless as ever about women, Elsewhere. You;ll never succeed with women with this kind of faulty thinking.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I'm just speaking from experience.

    Of the women I've dated, the ones that got a lot of attention always took off on short order.

    One actually took off to be with a guy who treated her like crap. I learned a lot from that experience.

    You choose women for the wrong reasons. Try picking one for her mind and not just her body.

  • beksbks

    Elsewhere I must disagree with you. For one thing, we are all individuals. If men and women try to come up with some sort of template for figuring out the other, they will invariably be wrong. We're all different.

  • Elsewhere
    You choose women for the wrong reasons. Try picking one for her mind and not just her body.

    What makes you think that is why I was seeing her? We were soul mates, but then she met the guy who treated her like crap. GONE

  • mtsgrad


    Your comments have been really helpful. I am so happy for you and partner! You can't guve too much if it is reciprocated.

    I guess my fantasy is to expereice that.

    Loubelle do you give 100% and more? Don't tell Mary as we are still technically married.


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